Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Mum vs Facebook

Ever since I was far away from home, my mum and dad had been the coolest friend of mine. Just call them anytime whenever I feel stressed living in here, they will surely cheer me up with funny stories happen back home.

Just like what happened today.

"Hello mama......sigh......."

"Kenapa ni? Why you sound so sad?"

"Memang sad pun... CNY holiday semua orang balik kampung. Tengok facebook semua orang macam cerita things happen in KL, balik kampung la, cuti la, apa la. Semua macam happy-happy nak cuti..."

"Eh, facebook nak tutup taw bulan 3 ni. Lepas ni dah takdela rasa tak happy lagi tengok facebook."

"Eleh, mana mama tahu? Facebook pun mama takde.."

"Iye. Mama baca kat email. Budak-budak ofis mama semua foward kat mama. Facebook nak tutup (nada semangat)..."

"Iye ke? Rumors je la.."

"Iye.. Eh, mama ada facebook taw sebenarnya, tapi dah lupa password... Kawan mama yang tolong buatkan...."

I was like WHAAAAT? Lol. She's sounds cute though!

I love you mama. You're the best! Muachx!

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