Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pretty Please

My life seemed slow lately... And it kills me somehow..
Longing for a looong break.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hi, can we go out now?


Let me bored you with a post of office conflict. Things going a lil bit unkind in the office. Duh. In time like this, it makes me missing my boyfie even more. I just want to go on a perfect date. Well, whenever Im with him, every date is perfect enough. ;'(

Really. Burdennningg. Argh!

Looking foward for April. April. April. What a nice name April. Maybe I should name one of my kid April. Ok. Fine. I memang dah mengarot.

Anyway, my perfect watch would be like this. OooooOoo.. *drooling over*

I misssss UTM life so very badddlyyyyyy. Reality is cruel. Sob.. sob..sob..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've got class and you dont

I always adore Grace Kelly. Beautiful, stunning and simply classy. I'd love to have her wedding dress inspired for my wedding.
Have a happy Sunday!
p/s-The title is from my favorite dialogue in a scene of Parents Trap. Ive grown up watching the movie over and over again.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ijazah vs Kerjaya

Gosh. Who thought reading news can be so depressing? It's been awhile since I read newspaper, but today's newspaper, some of the headlines that I found depressing. Plus, I've browse through to read what really happen in Japan and makes me feel more alert than ever.

Ok lah. Back to the news. One of the headline news in Berita Harian today had caught my attention. Its about graduate's job hunting.

So, I rasa I nak cerita pasal graduan mencari pekerjaan ni. I rasa dari dulu sampai sekarang, isu ni sentiasa ada. I masih ingat lagi masa I tukar course from Sains Matematik kepada Marketing masa dekat Uni dulu. You know how parents react? Diorang macam tak yakin je dengan course tu. Inilah masalah orang Malaysia (ini bukan bermakna I salahkan parents I, ok). Sesetengahnya hanya menganggap course sains (including medic, engineering, etc) lebih menjamin masa depan berbanding course lain. Boo! Soo wrong!!

Lagi satu kan, pasal isu course ni laku la, tak laku la. Yes, its true. Ada betulnya pasal course laku tak laku sebab ikut pasaran pekerjaan yang ditawarkan. Tapi, jangan jadikan tu sebagai alasan susah nak dapat pekerjaan. Sebab kalau nak ikutkan, memang susah pun nak cari kerja, tak kisah la course apa pun yang you all belajar masa dekat Uni.

Segulung ijazah, bukat guarantee yang kita semua dapat pekerjaan. Ijazah hanya tiket saja. Maksudnya, kita ada extra sikit berbanding orang yang tiada ijazah. Tapi kadang2, masyarakat ingat asal ada ijazah je, guarantee dapat kerja. Salah taw! Sebab ada je orang lain, diploma ke, stpm, spm yang dapat kerja juga.

Pada I, tak salah kita memilih kerja. Yelah, masa depan kita kan. Badan kita yang menanggung sebarang keputusan yang kita buat. Cuma, kita kenalah realistik. Contohnya, I nak sangat kerja company oil & gas. Tapi bila dah send out application, takde vacancy or diorang tak panggil pun. So, takkanlah selagi I tak dapat kerja company tu, selagi tu I tak nak kerja sebab nak tunggu company tu juga. Tak bolehla macam tu..

"Shoot for the moon, even if you missed it, you'll land among the stars". Sebab tu kita kena selalu aim high. Jangan underestimate diri sendiri. Sebab kalau kita tak dapat benda yang paling best, at least kita dapat benda yang nombor 2 best. Tapi kalau kita aim benda yang biasa-biasa, nanti kalau kita tak dapat yang biasa-biasa tu, dapat yang tak best pulak. Kan dah jadi tak best. Hehe.

Masa I undergraduate dulu, orang selalu takut-takutkan susah nak dapat kerja. Myself, ofcourse, mestilah takot gak! But, I prepare awal2. Sebelum graduate lagi I dah mula job hunting. Jangan bila dah grad, baru nak cari kerja. Kerja tak datang cari kita. Dulu mungkin la, sekrang dunia semakin kompetitif. So, kita kena agresif sikit cari kerja. Betul kan?

Ewah, panjang pulak I membebel. Kesimpulannya, peluang tu sentiasa ada. Trust me. Cuma kita kenalah pandai cari peluang tu. Tak semua benda yang kita nak tu, kita boleh dapat semua dalam satu masa. Adala, pros and cons nya. Life balance that way..

To all undergraduate, good luck in your future undertaking.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nice Dream

Helpless.. but still breathing...

LDR can be suck sometime. (erm, maybe all the time). Because when you're having a fight with him, you can't fight right.

I miss having a fair fight with him. Where both of us throwing out our feelings with words and our judgement on the issue and in the end, we clean up the air with a conclusion, a promise and a great date! How I miss it so badly..

I am always the one who caused the fight... It makes me feel guilty even more.......

I just want him to be my side. That is all I want for now..

Im dying slowly inside.. xxx

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Map to success

Seriously, I need to plan out my life. Its been awhile since I lost the courage to move on, and now, its time. (I know, sucha drama queen)

I hope everything will go well. Everything..

I miss my other half like *no words can describe it* Im outta tears. But I still strongly believe we'll be together in the end. Amin. InsyaAllah.

I know what I want now but it all scattered inside my head like incomplete jigsaw puzzle. Yet, I am too lazy to solve the puzzle by listing it in a piece of paper and figured out the complete picture.

Alhamdullilah, the feeling of desire and passion came back to me and it gave me purpose to plan my next step.

Sabar.. Its all I can do now.. Its all I can do...

P/s- I had my very first credit card of maybank now. Woot. Woot.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Im alive and kickin

So many things... So little time....


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Open arms

“Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.”
*I need to remind myself*

Friday, March 4, 2011

Money do the talk

March Splurge : Guess? Motorchic Handbag, Swatch Brilliant Bangle

When I was in school days, I always jealous and feeling so envy to those of my rich friends. I hate myself during that time and cursing life for being so unfair. Plus, during that time my family were having some financial crisis because of my dad had just recover from a stroke. I blame my parents for what I become that time. Grumpy, ungrateful and my exam results were suck. I even did something that I was not proud of to. I am sick of my mother that kept telling me to 'be yourself'. What the hell is that suppose to mean? 'Be-proud-of-yourself-you-penniless-girl?'

That was then.

My uni life become better after that. I've reconciled with my parents. That is why I strongly believe in parents prayer and their blessed, especially my mum. I also learn that being filthy rich is not the only way to be happy and being lucky. Yes, its true, some people were born with all the privillaged, but, its their destined. We have our own and even better maybe. It is just sometime we don't realise it because we're too busy thinking about others.

That is when I decided to follow my dream. Dreams are super duper powerful motivation. Trust me people! Oh, and also being positive and optimistic. :D

My inspiration always come from the people I know, a friend doesnt matter close or not, family and from my surrounding. In every friend, I try to find out their good quality and I will try to improve myself based on theirs. I like being in harmony, dont like having any enemies and I want to be nice to everyone.

I consider myself as lucky. I have a strong supportive system and I know I have capabilities that have not shine yet. Hihi. Hey, everyone does, ok!

But, I am just human afterall, still, the feeling of envious of having more came once in awhile. That is when I keep on telling myself to be grateful and be patient. Because we'll get there..

The reason why I keep on rambling here is because ...............................................

I am undecided whether to purchase a new car or not. T_T My mum agreed to help me with the downpayment while my dad insist me to get the full loan. See, mum always will agree with you in terms of 'shopping'. Buying a car consider as shopping, right?

By the way, I spent a lot lately. Like real a lot. I promise myself to buy only ONE expensive/luxury item PER month. But this month, I purchase TWO!! Its not my fault! Its the boutique's fault who offered sale. But, yeah, I feel satisfied than ever. ;P

My term of expensive/luxury might be different from yours. So, I still consider few hundreds to spend on an item is expensive rather than few thousands. Belum sampai tahap tu lagi weh. I might be, one day, InsyaAllah, Amin.