Friday, March 30, 2012

Oh you so TYPICAL


I am in rage right now! Duh!! Sabar.. Sabar... Hari Jumaat tak baik nak rage bagai. So, let's throw 'em out.


Tak kesah la korang nak panggil apa pun. I prefer to call scarf over hijab. Kalau tudung tu biasalah bahasa melayu. Panggil scarf baru urban sikit. Yeah, whatever. :P

So, I had start wearing one. A scarf. Alhamdullilah. It's nothing big actually. Ramai lagi orang yang pakai tudung kat luar sana. But to me, its quite a change. For the better. InsyaAllah.

Jadi, macam-macam reaction la I dapat. Ada yang postif. And of course ada yang negatif. I dah expect dah benda-benda macam ni. Tapi I keep telling myself, Lillahi Ta'ala, kerana Allah, dan kerana orang yang tersayang.

Oklah, I nak start dengan reaction negative. So, you see, I am in marketing line. Jadi most of the people is extrovert type. They're loud. They like to be different and been seen. Let's just say they're so confident and comfortable with themselves. And maybe, they don't like changes.

"OMG Naz, you dah pakai tudung? Since when?"

"Hari ini" sambil tersenyum.

"Oh, babe, esok you pakai tudung pulak eh?" (referring to her colleague and both of them burst out a BIG laugh)

I am hurt. What? You think wearing scarf is a joke? I just don't get it.

"Ni sampai bila?"

"You ni betul ke pakai tudung? You ni betul ikhlas? You dah fikir masak2 ke?"

"Nanti you dah tak boleh nak masuk Hard Rock, tahu tak?"

"Kenapa pakai tudung?"

"Ni permanent ke?'

And the list go and on. Tak sangka masih ada orang berfikiran macam ini. Can you imagine people give this kind of reaction about performing solat. Tak ke pelik? Same goes with tudung. Imagine this.

"I nak pergi sembahyang la."
"Yeke, sampai bila?"

"I nak solat."
"You betul ke nak solat? You ikhlas? You dah fikir masak2 ke? Kenapa nak solat?"

Ok2.. You get the point, right? Kenapa nak perjudis orang yang BARU belajar nak pakai tudung. I think I know the answer. People don't like changes. People are not comfortable with changes. Thats why.

But..... Sebenarnya RAMAI lagi yang bagi positive feedback. I really appreciate it. Sama-samalah kita menjadi lebih baik. Dari segala hal pun.

Wearing tudung is not a big change. Trust me. Kalau kita bersungguh nak jadi lebih baik, InsyaAllah, Allah permudahkan. Semuanya mind set kita. Really.

Oklah. Until next entry.


p/s - Dah 3 hari bertudung and I feel OK. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Green is the new red


Its funny watching the whole office running in and out as it is nearly financial year end. Everyone chasing the revenue and cutting off budget. Plus, the "new boss" is coming in and its not a newsflash anymore.

Anyway, I wear green today.

Simple things that makes me happy today:

1. Teh C special with colleagues sambil bergossips.

2. Rasa aircond kat kaki masa drive. Haha! Really best giler. :P

See you later, alligator!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Everything's gonna be fine

I survive Monday! Yeay!

Today is just like any other day. Works are lining up for me to settle it one by one. You see, it never end! So does problems in life. Kan?

I am quite productive today. I decided to just do my work without feeling underpay stressful and with an open heart. Kerja dengan ikhlas. I just assume its a learning process for my bright future, InsyaAllah.

I miss him. I really do. Life can be so heavy, but it goes on.

Simple thing that makes me happy today?

1. Had a shower with Victoria Secret's scrub

2. Listening to Josie - Blink 182

Have a pleasant evening. :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lagu orang kahwin

Hari ini berperasaan biru.. Sila enjoice lagu ini.. Tenkiu..

Friday, March 16, 2012


Life oh life.

I read something. It say;

"Patience is not about how long someone can wait, but how well they behave while waiting."

Sometime people tend to slipped from the right path.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I am weak. Super weak. Boo!!

I thought I am strong, but not that strong.

Betul kata orang tua-tua, "buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I am in love with you still and always.

Things must change

I need to:

1. Update daily in my diary about MY PERSONAL matters. I am to caught up with work and I stop planning for myself.

2. Write daily about my personal goals, problem and how to solve them, cash flow, achievement, challenges and the most important thing is my realistic dreams & desire.

3. Jangan MALAS boleh tak? Jangan MALAS berfikir cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah orang dewasa. I know you're in hard times. Male it worth it by fighting and do something instead od feeling sorry to yourself, Naz. *self pat at the back*

4. Make more moneyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Spend Lesssssssssssssssss.

5. Pray harder.

Ok. Tu je nak update. Bye!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Madness

So many things....

I am effin scared as I have few projects to handle and by end of this March, it will be over. But between the time, I am super-effin-crazeh scared coz I feel like my project will doom. :(

Random thought.

1. I feel like wearing scarf or tudung.. It's been awhile actually that I feel that way.. I mean, bila lagi? Sampai bila?

2. It is easy to fall in love, to jump into a new relationship than keeping it. I see couple of my friends moving on to new relationship and its kinda make me sad. I am still in relationship with my hunnyb. Its been tough, and it makes both of us stronger and understand each other better. We learned and it will be a good preparation for us to face tougher challenges in the future.

The truth is, nothing really last forever. Even the married get divorce. We can only pray and at the same time be a better person and always improve ourselves. I remember mum told me she never stop praying in her every prayer that she and my dad would last forever since the day they tie the knot until now. I should do the same.

3. I feel like moving on from my current workplace. It's not that I don't like it there, but I feel like it's time to seek other opportunities may offer. But not in current time.

4. I am 25. But people will say, "Aw, you still young" but I wonder why I don't feel that way.

5. I am broke. Like no saving and in debt. But still I love good and expensive food. Yes, I spend most of my income to dine out to a fancy restaurant. No wonder Iam gemuk. Isk. Isk. Must change!

6. I feel like I am in a maze of life. Still confuse and moving on to find a way out.

7. In the end, everything will be alright... Everything will be fine.. So, just chill, make the best of it and pray. Pray. Pray. Never stop praying. Never stop giving up.

Goodnight good people! :)