Friday, March 26, 2010


Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

Get it? Totally agree with that. Tiba-tiba rasa nak kahwin. Oow... :(

Hey, Soul Sister - Train

Brightful song. It makes me smile. Happy friday everyone!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3 idiots

I just finished watching this movie and oh boy! It was awesome! Really!!! I really love the movie.

3 words describe this movie : funny, inspiring and amir khan's looking good!

It is not 3 words afterall. Hehe. Go hindustan movie! It is a loss if you dont watching it! Seriously!!! Rating 4 over 5. Super likey!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A car and a place to call home

I feel old. You know why? Coz I've already been thinking about my dream car and dream house. Dream car ok lagi. Dream house? Haha. Tua! Anyway, tak salah kan berangan? Totally syok and free! (heard the quote from my friend).

My dream car will, still and always be RED VOLKSWAGEN NEW BEETLE. I can be so damn excited bila nampak kereta ni di jalan raya ataupun parking. Girlfren jiran saya memandu nwbeetle kuning dan saya sangat cemburu! Owh. Mahu sangat! And I love how Amir's joke that he will get me my dream car, except the old version. Haha. (don't worry b, i still love you even you dun get me one).

I love the car since forever kot. Haha. No lah. Since sekolah menengah. Walaupun kereta tu dah tak berapa hot la kan, tapi still nak jugak. I dont want any Merc or BMW or Audi or any prestige car. Nak kerete katak ni jugak! And I dont mind when Im 40 and driving this car.

As for my dream house, I know they are still a looooong way to go.. Tapi dah ade picture in my mind nak rumah macam mana. I dont really interested with big mansion house. So-so la. tanakla besar-besar sangat. Yang penting, nak konsep open air, yang ade banyak tingkap or pintu. Suka sangat. Ala-ala resort or bali gitu. Tapi ni semua angan-angan. Ada rezeki, InsyaAllah kan. (cara cakap pun dah macam matang gila) ;P

Tapi dream house ni perlula berbincang dengan suami nanti. (damn, im so gatal and excited dah fikir kahwin2 ni) Mungkin sebab I dah nak habis belajar. So, pemikiran ke arah alam dewasa. The truth is memang dah tua pun. Cuma deny dalam kepala otak sendiri yang diri masih remaja. Haish.

Anyway, semua orang pun ada drem house and dream car kan. Tell me about yours.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have not been creative lately. How I miss doing silly DIY project. So tight with assignments, project, etc.

I want to create something.


But, I dont have any in mind.


Any idea?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tips Demam

pic google

Alhamdullilah.. nowadays cuaca lembap dan sentiasa hujan. I like this one better than hot wheather! Tapi, bila cuaca sejuk macam ni, demam mula lah nak datang melawat. I merupakan seorang yang agak mudah demam. Antibodi tak kuat kot.. tapi mostly disebabkan selsema dan blockage. Urgh. Tak suka bila ianya terjadi. Ye, saya mempunyai resdung. Panjang pulak mukadimah. Lets start the tips, shall we?

1. Bila terasa nak demam, segeralah menukar kepada pakaian, tuala, cadar yang bersih. Kuman suka tempat2 yang kotor. Jaga kebersihan.

2. Makan ikut waktu. Makan makanan yang senang dihadam seperti bubur. Elakkan makanan pedas.

3. Drink a lot of plain water. (Ini sangat penting!)

4. Minum 100plus.

5. Jangan mandi pada waktu malam iaitu selepas maghrib atau senja . Tak elok untuk paru-paru.

6. Pergi ke klinik. Selain mendapat ubat, ianya untuk psychology jugak. Dah pergi klinik mesti baik demam.

7. Berehat di bilik. Kurangkan aktiviti luar.

8. Bila terasa kurang selesa, buatlah air panas seperti milo atau horlicks. Elakan kopi atau teh.

9. Sapu vicks, balm atau minyak panas untuk kelegaan.

Orangkata, prevention is better than cure, so, jagalah kesihatan. Makan vitamin dan mineral yang diperlukan oleh badan untuk membina tubuh yang lebih sihat.

Sebenarnya, semua tips ni commonsense. Korang pun tahu.

Have a nice weekend!

The Smurfs and Barbie

While randomly browsing through other peoples blog, suddenly I stumbled into something that I had totally forgotten before in my whole life.

The Smurfs.

Yeah. The small blue creature. I dont really remember the cartoon, but I had a story about it. I used to have a teddy of papa smurf. It was a gift from my dad when he outstation somewhere in Europe. I think I was four of five years old that time.

I remembered I love the smurfs so much that I carry it anywhere I go. The one thing that I most remembered about was I cut the smurf's beard using pair of scissors so that I can see his mouth. Yep, cut the whole beard to see a line of smiling mouth. My mum was so furious about it and I just dont get it during that time. (Mum, I was being curious!)

And I also do the same thing to my other teddy bear. I do that because I like to see the teddy's smiling. Haha. Habis togel semua teddies bila dekat part mulut.

And oh, tiba-tiba teringat barbie doll I masa kecik. Mine was a black barbie doll, while my second sister, Nedy's barbie was blonde and my third sister, Suraya's barbie was redhead. Sampai sekarang tak puas hati kenapa barbie I bukan blonde? My mum's reason was I am more suitable with the black barbie while my sister's in blonde. wth.

*Secretly, I still love barbie and sometimes I would pay a visit to see them in toys r us.*


I miss you. so much. YES. YOU!

Get well soon. real soon. :'(

Seriously, i miss your presence.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vote for me

1. Check out Cornetto website

2. Look at the top of the web page, clik 'show your love contest'.

3. Register yourself. (Dont worry dear, it only takes 10seconds ;)

4. Check on the gallery. Director: sexynaz. Title of the video: they are my sunshine.

5. Vote for me.

*im a bit embarrased as my profile id name is sexynaz. its my id for my online games actually.

see you in my next entry. have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Soko - I will kill her

Awesome song! Worth your time listening to it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kelab Malam

Conclusion: I hate my fatty arm. The food was okay. The prizes were nice but I was not lucky enough. Aisha did win a mp4. Congrats la dear! You memang lucky lah that night! I forgot the title is Kelab Malam. No. It just my college annual dinner. The theme was memori: kenangan dholu2. I think I dress as a joget girl. Huh? Well, I think so. I was emo last night so I dont really enjoyed it. Me and my emo. So uncool! Boring!

Back to work

Banyaknye kerja! Benci! Benci! Benci!

List things-to-do:
  • BS assgnmt- Walmart
  • Study for BS quiz
  • 15pages article
  • Edit PSM report
  • MM video
  • EM presentation
  • Bersuka ria
  • Karoke
  • Shopping
  • Diet

Haha. The last three tu wajib, ok. The last one, tipu aje. Muahaha.

Ish. Naz. Tamo malas. Berusaha demi kejayaan masa depan.

Sekian terima kasih.

I dont wanna loose you

While browsing through FB, I stumbled upon words from one of my besfriends back in MRSM. The words really touched my heart as Im in bad condition right now. The words are:

Aim high. Be kind. Love. Respect. Trust.

Aim high. That's what keep my life going. It give hopes. It will makes me giving out the best in anything or everything I do. Ambitious. I once read a quote, 'reach for the moon, if you failed, you'll reach among the stars'. I think this quote have a deep meaning.

Be kind. I forget about this. Im being selfish sometimes, until I forget to be kind to other people, especially those around me. I hate myself for this. I had a fight with someone's close to me. I hurt her without my intention. I can be such an ass sumtime. My words are brutal. But deep inside of me, I did not like any of it.

Love. Respect. Trust. This three words is essential to any kind relationship. Family, partner and friends. These three words already speak for themselves.

Love. Love your loves one unconditionally even when it hurts you. It will make your relationship stronger. Sometime, we just can't stand others attitude, but, dont forget that sometime others also can't stand our own attitude. Everyone have their own weakness. But remember, everyone also have their own strength.

Respect. Respect others if you want to be respect. Be happy for others. Kill the envy and jelousy. (This one goes for me, especially. Im so greedy sometime. Im not thankful for what I have)

Trust. Trust a person can be better when she say she will. Just trust that any courtship can be fixed.

I don't like any hateness. To anyone that I've hurt before, Im truly sorry for what I did wrong.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alice di alam fantasi

Went out to watched alice last night and overall i think the movie wasnt as "mind blowing" as i expected it to be. Well, maybe i have far beyond high expectation. Hey, its Tim Burton and Johnny Depp! But the movie wasnt that bad. I did enjoy watching it. :)

And yesterday, i took a ride in a public bus! Gedik kan naik bas pon nak kecoh? Haha. It's been awhile riding a bus and it was my first time with amir. Gugugu. Before we went there, we enjoyed caramel sundae of burger king. It is my latest obsession right now.

Tonight I have a dinner to attend. It was organised by my college. Im looking foward to it as it will be last time to enjoyed with all my friends here. Yela, kan dah final year. :)

See you in next entry!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Ni je pic yg aku dpt amek smalam. huhu.

" ish, naz ni.. " kate suzen.

Suzen. Kawan kesayangan aku masa matriks. Orangnya sangat comel dan bersemangat. Jangan salah faham. Bukan semangat part bentuk badan, tapi attitude dia. Dia ni sangat rajin dan mempunyai determination yang tinggi. Seorang yang loud and outspoken. Tapi hati dia baik. (Gila banyak aku bodek. Suzen sila belanja aku)

So, semalam program jejak kasih telah berlaku antara dia dan diriku. Lepak sampai 3.30pagi. Kepala dah weng tapi layan je! Banyak jugak catch up gossip. I know u love me, xoxo, gossip girl. Eh, dah mengarut pulak.

Its good to hear that she further her master. Gila hebat kau suzen. 4tahun and still going strong nak study. Bagus2! Talking to her last night was a blast. Paling tak bleh blah part "bersetubuh" hahaha. You guys tak akan paham. That's a lil secret between me and her. *wink*

She's one of a kind. She's one of my good friends. One of my kesayangan.

Suzen, good luck PSM kau!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Less stress

Sometimes I forgot that everything has been decided by The Mighty Allah.

Sometimes, when I got too competitive to survive, I forgot to stay calm.

Sometimes, when I'm eager to chase things I really wanted, I forgot that the things I really want may not be the best thing for me.

Thanks Ayah for remind me these. The bottom line is, we decide things, but Allah also decide on His own. That is the beauty of Islam. Redha. So that we wont be so stressful about life. I know I may not be the best person to talk about this, Im just a slave of God.

I believe in determination and work smart.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who's Bimbo?

Haha. I just realised I've got a comment from anonymous saying that my boy is his boyfriend. Who the hell are you? Who's bimbo? You are!

Kau jeles ke weyh? Pity you! Shame on on you!

Get a life! I dont entertain people like you!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Dear Allah, please make all my dreams come true..

Monday, March 8, 2010

How it started

Di suatu petang, di dalam kereta kenari hitam plat number JHV 402...

Me: Kau duduk shah alam jugak ye. Sekyen bape?

Him: .............seksyen 18

Me: Ow... Aku kat seksyen 8. Kau amek course ape kat UTM?

Him: Aku bukan budak UTM la. Aku budak luar.

Me: Oh. Yeke. Ko da kerja la?

Him: Ha'ah. Aku jual burger.

OMG! Tak sangka la I layan penjual burger... Then, I nak pergi beli magazine and he's around me.

Me: Birthday kau bila?

Him: 29 February.

Me: Seriously?

Him: Betol la. Tak caye, tgk IC.

Hahaha. Gila lame! Baru kenal nak tunjuk IC. Haha. Funny! Ketika peristiwa membeli magazine tula terasa bagaikan ada chemistry dengan mamat nih. Rasa berdebar-debar. Then mase nak balik, I was praying "please ask for my number. please ask for my number" and he did! Cool gile cara dia bertanya.

Him: No fon kau berapa huh? (sambil pegang fon untuk terus save)

Me: (terus bagi tanpa bertanya untuk buat apa)

Andddd, barulah dia confess dia bukan duduk shah alam dan dia juga sebenarnye student utm. Terus jatuh cinta lagi. Huhu. Okay. Sila muntah sekarang.

Sampai sekarang juga lah dia SANGAT suka TEASE/EJEK/dan sewaktu dengannya. Kadang2 sampai rasa tensyen dan bengang dengan mamat nih. Tak habes2. Lepas tuh ditambah pula dengan gelak kerek die. Euuuwwhhh! Geli la weyh. Entah kenapa boleh melekat plak dengan mamat nih. Anyway, I love you mamat bajet bes! Haha.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

TAG heuer? No!

I've been tag by ariana. ;)

1. Adakah anda rasa HOT?
Totally! HOTak kau! haha.

2. Upload wallpaper pc/laptop yang anda guna sekarang!

3. Cerita pasal gambar
Classic! I saw this pic for the first time in poster's shop. Straight away fell in love with it.

4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
Last 2weeks with nonod. Lunch dekat angsana.

5. Lagu terakhir anda dengar
Muse-Unnatural selection. Teringat teori darwin. heh.

6. Apa anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ni
Texting mr amir asyraf.

7. Selain nama sendiri, anda di panggil nama apa?
Ayam-back in MRSM days. Sampai skrg lekat. Cis.

8. Tag lagi 8 orang
Sape2 yg rajen. Mira jamal/Mira nasir/Lyn/Fira/Shea/Aisha/Intan/Nonod

9. Berikan 5 yang anda tau tentang orang yang mengetag anda

1. Hot gf of my classmate
2. She got attitude
3. Budak engineering
4. Duduk single room kat ktdi
5. I juzt talk to her jez now. she's nice!

Wildest dream

I keep reminding myself to stay optimist and positive.

If you can dream your wildest dream, you can make your dream come true.

Future, Im looking foward to meet you! ♥

Jat jat daa daa

Lately my femine side sangat terserlah. I feel comfy wearing a maxi drees.

My sidekick, nonod. We fight sometime, but we love each other very much. Kan nadia?

Leha and Lia. Juara karaoke no one could challenge!

Actually the title is a name of a malay song. I cant remember the singer, but the song is like a candy to the ear. Yummy! (Baru tahu lagu ni pun sebab karaoke tadi)

How's your friday? Any fun? Mine was more than okay.

Went out to City Square, JB with bunch of friends, nadia, leha and lia. We watched the book of eli movie and its worth watching! Style la movie tuh! Best! I thought it was just another typical movie about end of the world, but its a bit difference. I gave 3.5 star out of 5. Mila Kunis sangat HOT!

Then off to karaoke. Nyanyi sampai hilang suara. Oh, before that, we went to bazaar jb. It was my first time there. Before this I just view from the car whenever we passby. Amir dont have any interest in it.
p/s- sorry love i didnt wait for u to watch book of eli. next time i promise, ok.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hello. Sudah lama rasanya mengabaikan blog ini. Cuaca sekarang teramatla panas dan kering. Setiap hari minum coolblog pun tak dapat mengawal suhu badan yang sememangnya berdarah panas, si mamalia.

So, what happened to your day today? Mine? OMG! Tuhan saja yang tahu.

Esok merupakan dateline untuk menghantar draf PSM. Pagi tadi dengan jayanya menyiapkan dan tiba-tiba, I yg SANGAT BODOH lagi CARELESS lupa SAVE file dan segala perkataan, nombor, jadual hilang selip mata. Menangis, meraunglah, but nothing can be done to safe it. I have to DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. FML!!

Thanks to my mum and dad who consoled me, my bestie nadia and my boy. Terima kasih kerana sudi meminjamkan bahu untuk menangis walaupun secara jarak jauh. (Erk. Hows that?)
Saja nak share dengan kalian semua bertapa BERSEPAHnya bilik saya sekarang.
P/s- I scored a job interview. Alhamdullilah. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Birthday Boy

My boy is a lucky person. He was born on the leap year. His birthdate is on 29th of February. That means Im lucky too! Because I dont have to be broke every year to buy him birthday present. Every fourth year baru beli present and celebrate. JIMAT!

However, Im a good gf. I still celebrate his birthday even the date doesnt exist this year. But, I still get confused when exactly to wish him.

Last sunday, we went out and have dinner only at food stall. Lucky my boy did not complain, plus, he really like the food. We had satay, yong tauhu and nasi ayam goreng. I've gave him a simple present, and boy, he loves it!

Happy Birthday Dear!


Internet connection yang cacat membuatkan saya sudah lama tidak memblog.

Akhirnya, hari ini sudah okay.

Malangnya semua idea untuk menulis sudah melarikan diri.

Btw, coolblog chocolate milkshake memang terbaik.
