Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What To Do When You Hit A Car


Salam Ramadhan and Hello July!

I hit a car yesterday. Unfortunate enough since it was Monday and a few of my works were facing some blocks.

So, that morning, I was sleepy and next time I knew, BAM! Hit the car in front. Terus dah tak mengantuk. But I still blur during that time with my radio on.

It was a minor one. So, I give him my no to arrange how to settle the car and stuff.

Long story short, Alhamdullilah, I had settled with the car I hit. Send to H*nd* svc ctr and I get some special price.

Thanks to my dearest bestfriend, Sharifah (who work in H*nd*) that help me to settle the thing.

Things I learned.

1. Do not panic. Keep calm and accept the fact that you have been in car accident situation.

2. Call for help. In this case, luckily I remember my friend. Betul kata Rasullah SAW, rapatkan silaturahim memang memurahkan rezeki. She help me to get contact to get a special price.

3.Family and friends matters. Ask their opinion so you can make a better judgement to decide. Share with them your situation.

4. Act Fast. As soon as my friend give the manager contact no, straight away I called him to arrange.

5. Dont be shy shy cat. Amatlah rugi. Its best to try your luck!

6. JANGAN MALAS NAK FIKIR! Yang ni...lu fikirlah sendiri. Because being ignorance or lazy or stupid can cost a fortune!

Sekian, even it is still bring a cost to me, Im feeling thankful. Takpelah. Rezeki kat tempat lain. That's life anyway.

I am proud of myself because I manage to settle it on my own (with people's help ofcourse) but I did the thinking. Hewhew.


Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa!