Sunday, March 23, 2014

Commitment, Passion, Focused and Honest!

Be sincere.

It could be one of a tip to score a job interview. I had a conversation with one of the panel for the job interview and he told me that they interviewed a lot of candidate for the position. A lot of them are super ambitious and came from well known company but they choose me because I am appear to be the most sincere. I am touched hearing that.

While experience and knowledge is the most important factor in 'selling' yourself, don't forget that they judge you more than that.

Be yourself. Be true to your dreams.


On the other note, last night conversation with my lil sister.

Ezzah : Kakwa, cepatlah kahwin. Ezzah nak ada anak buah. Nak baby. Jeles tengok kawan Ezzah ada baby boleh main.

Me : Takkanlah lepas kahwin tu terus dapat baby. Kakwa rasa macam nak tunggu dulu.

Ezzah : Kakwa, you're 27. By the time kahwin dah 28. You're not getting younger anymore. Nanti dah umur 30 dah lambat nak ada baby.

Me :..........................speechless..................

Oh, little sister, you grew up so fast!

Ps. The title is referring to my value towards success. It was inspired from Damn Good Advise book by George Lois.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I feel the urge to write. Maybe because I feel overwhelmed of my new job. I am thankful to Allah about that. No doubt. He is the Master of all of us. Maha pemberi rezeki.

Everything that happen in life is Allah's will. Have faith and believe in Him.

I still remember one of my coach in a training told me this. "Sometime, we feel confuse with what's happening in our life. But, as you grow, you will be thankful for all the thing that happened to you. In order for you to get the things that you want, you will experience things you don't like. But it is all as a preparation."

I've got to agree with this lady though.

It is good to build a relationship with people around you. And keep in touch with them once in a while. I just texted one of my favourite lecturer back in UTM. Surprisingly, he still remember me. Maybe I should catch up with him when I come down to JB one day.

I also planned to treat my ex boss lunch. She gave me a good recommendation and I feel like I owed her. May god repay her kindness.

Be positive all the way!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Prayer to MH370

MH370 is in the news headline nationwide, or maybe worldwide. My deep condolences and prayer goes to all the passengers, crew cabin and of course their families. The aircraft went missing since last Saturday. No news heard until today.

Semoga Allah mempermudahkan usaha untuk mencari kapal MH370. Never underestimate the power of prayers. Miracle do happen, InshaAllah.

I am saddened by this incident because it involve MAS and our fellow Malaysian. Despite all the negative news about MAS last few years, I always fond of the airlines. I think because my dad used to work for MAS for 10 years and I still remember followed him to workplace in Subang Airport and I will be fascinated by the air planes in the runaway.

It is even more saddened when I read articles about the captain pilot who is very passionate about flying and mechanical stuff while his co pilot happen to be my junior in MRSM Taiping (although I did not personally know him, but he's part of my something I am proud of).

And reading about the families hope to see their loved one to come back home the speculation lagi... And I even shed tears reading those without realising it.

Sesungguhnya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui semua kejadian di langit dan di bumi. Don't stop praying to Allah.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 2014


Wow. 2014 already. Alhamdullilah. It means I am 27th this year. Really? Looking back when I was in secondary school, studying for SPM, I was always wondering how will I be when I was 27 or 28 years old. Now, here I am. I can't never thank Allah for his blessing and opportunity He gave.

I'll be starting a new work place soon. Next week to be exact. I just had experience crucible in my career life at 27! I am just glad it happen even when it hurts. So, I have stories to tell when I will be a CEO one day if they ask me about my career journey. ;P I mean business is just a business, nothing personal. But, as human, of course we will feel hurt when people do things that you don't want them to.

I used to heard this a lot - "You have the potential." Until one day, one of my boss finally said this "You have the material to be on the top.". I am happy to know that. From potential to material. At least I know for myself, a little compliment to boost my motivation and to let me stay focus.

Enough with career, I think there is a silver lining behind all this. I had a chance to reflect and assess myself. I get a chance to take care of my mum in the hospital. I had the chance to focus on my relationship. Yeah. Allah is the best planner above all.

Till we meet again. <3!