Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rainbow Lollipop

Soooo Sarawak! ;)

Not your ordinary chips


Hey Guys!

Im just glad monday's over!

So, as on my way back from work, my housemate showed me a cool (yes, they're cool!)supermarket that she just found out in Sibu.

Why lah they're cool?

Because it is a supermarket that sell a lot imported stuff. It's kinda like Bangsar Village supermarket with plenty of junk food from overseas (except, ofcoz Bangsar Village is way cooler). So, I was very excited that I can finally see a lot chocolates and chips with familiar brand.

But, what excite me the most is the chips available. They have a lot of vegetable and fruits chips range of products and I decided to brought 2 cool chips. They were

Shitake Mushroom Chips and

Natural Fruit Chips

As for the natural fruit chips, the mixed fruits were jackfruit, apple, pineapple, banana and star fruit (really star fruit?). I dont really fancy the fruit chips but the mushroom chips definately way cooler!

And oh, thank god I didnt spend much in this shop! But, let's pray for the next time I wouldn't!

P/s - I'll be watching Chinta from my mum's sofa tomorrow. Wee~

Liese Juicy Shower Moisturizing Hair Mist

The first time I saw this product is while I browsed through cleo mag. Then, after I read the review, I was like starstruck. My heart was jumping and saying 'cepat pergi beli' like that. Unfortunately, ofcoz lah dekat sini takde.

My heart and soul is easily melt with good smells. Nikmat dunia yang paling tak terkata bagi I. Can you imagine life without sense of smells? Tak feel bukan?

I love fuity floral type of smells. Yummeh!
p/s- Shopping mode soonerrrrrrr~

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Long distance is not impossible

"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the Bold.

It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of Time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they Love.

It's for those knowing a Good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it, it nearly Enough"

credit to google

It means..........


The only place where I belong.. ;)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tekanan Perasaan

Damn! I miss city life so much!

I miss everybody and everyone.

I miss familiar places and things.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What makes you happy?

Dua orang rakan blogger (dan juga rakan di dunia nyata) saya, si cantik dan si bergaya telah menceritakan tentang benda yang membuatkan mereka gembira. Mungkin tiba masanya untuk giliran saya pula.

Saya tahu entry saya kebelakangan ini sungguh murung dan penuh dengan depressi. Maka hari ini saya mahu mengubah sikap saya supaya tidak mengenang lagi benda yang telah lepas atau yang sedang berlaku. Marilah kita looking foward to the future yang pasti membawa kegembiraan. Sudah pasti along the way of our lives, kita akan bertemu dengan kesedihan. Biasalah tu. Baru la mencabar hidup kita kan? Dan juga membuat hidup kita lebih bermakna.

Ok lah. Enough dengan membebel saya ni. Mari kita melihat apakah benda yang membuat saya gembira.

What makes me happy?

A simple phone call from the boyfie. Mendengar suaranya sahaja mengubat duka di hati. Mendengar dia membebel tentang assignment, manchester united dan futsal sudah cukup membuat hati ini bebunga-bunga.

Selain itu, saya juga akan merasa sungguh gembira jika menerima phone call dari keluarga dan juga rakan dan taulan. Terima kasih Alexander Graham Bell. Anda batu! (Sila translate kepada bahasa Inggeris)

Im a sweet tooth! Sangat suka kepada dessert, cakes, chocolate, icecream dan sekeluarga dengannya. Nyummy! Cakes never failed to cheer me up. Terima kasih!

Aah... Memandu kereta saya juga salah satu terapi yang membuatkan saya gembira sangat. Kelish, sangat comel seperti tuannya (haha, perasan!) Dia adalah peneman saya untuk berfikir dan merenung masa depan. Idea saya akan keluar dengan banyaknya ketika memandu. Tambahan pula apabila Kelish memainkan lagu kegemaran saya, samoookk! Oh, di tepi itu adalah bapa saya yang sentiasa mengambil kira kebajikan Kelish.

Melihat hasil creative dan seni orang juga mampu membuatkan saya gembira dan memberi inspirasi yang nurani. (wth? nurani?) Beautiful, quirky, colorful, elegant, classic, u name it! Semuanya saya suka! Dan gembira ofcoz!

Berada di rumah bersama keluarga. Sebab tu nama dia home sweet home! Melepak-lepak dan menonton TV sambil bermalas dan makan makanan yang enak. Heaven yang cost nya sangat simple!

Fresh flowers, fresh scenery and all the nature stuff. Do I need to say more? Pure happiness!

Dan the ultimate happiness ialah apabila berdating! Haha. Lame, I know. Suka hati lah kan I nak suka pergi dating. Makan, borak-borak, ketawa, makan lagi, movie, minum-minum, bowling, window shopping, shopping, merajuk mengada sikit.. Aah... Bahagia!

How about you? What makes you happy?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kerja Mencari Rezeki

Enjoy the pics. Work suck, I know. ;) But hey, I love the money honey!
Muachx XOXO

Dont hate, lets love!

Hello guys!

Happy saturday!

Right now Im having a really bad peroid pain. Ouuucchhh.. :'(

Its been 2 weeks already since Im here. I cant wait to count until 2 months! I'll be home at the end of this month and obviously Im happy only for that reason.

Things aren't doing so well at my work place. I have to be patient for that.

My mum is my biggest supporter. She's my backbone. I become more manja and closer to her since the first time I was away from home during my school days. She was so worried about me and a phrase that really touched me when she said she wish she could fly right now to be with me. Aww. I love you mum. You're the best. :)

My dad as always being my hero. He like to make sure all my needs is been taken care off. He even ask me to buy TV and astro for my new house. How sweet of him.

I am 23 years old and working. But I still feel like Im 19 and still need my parents to support me. I feel like an only child.

That feeling is what makes me stronger in here. Not to forgot Mr Hunnyb. We always in touch everyday and sometime I forgot that I was away from him. Thanks sayang.

Till we meet again in the next entry. I wish everyone is full of happiness and love today.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I miss my old lifestyle. I can't get over it. Call me lame, I dont care.

Today was a badass shitty day!

At the end of the day, it's yourself that makes you happy. Not others. Not even him I guess. Thanx for the time.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Neutron star collision

What doesn't kill you will only makes you stronger

Sunday, October 10, 2010



After (Azza is my housemate)

Happy Sunday everyone!
So, how did you guys spend your weekend? I hope all of you had a good times. And as for me, I do feel good today, Alhamdullilah..
I start off my morning with big breakfast at the hotel's cafe. Then me and Azza went for swimming pool! Yeay! I miss my lil's sisters and brother as we were always spend time together mandi-mandi at pool whenever we're on vacation. They love water as much as I do. ♥~

Then, we went to Sanyan Mall and we treat ourselves with mini makeover at the saloon. Gosh, I look like Dottie!

And the best part is................................


Plus, its a new house and we're lucky to become the first rental. The house's area is a decent place with a lot of malay as they're near with the hospital. So, this place is where a lot of semenanjung people that had been transfer here such as nurses, doctors, teachers and police. To made it easier government servants lah.
I feel better today. I feel so full of love from the people that support me, family, friends and my bubu miu miu.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Soap Opera

Hello guys!

Today is friday. Usually friday is always my favorite day. But this friday is a bit different. I dont feel happy or excited for the weekend. Boo!

I still miss Shah Alam, KL and JB. Badly. :(

Enough with my soppy soap opera, lets talk about something else, shall we?

Hm.. What else makes me happy rather than good food, good company and shopping?

Good food, I have to cross off from the list since in here they don't have many good place for food. (I miss food in my hometown like crazy!)

Remind me to ask my mum to make sambal kacang with nasi impit when I come back home. I crave for them.

Good company? The best company ever is my busuk! Ofcourse lah my family and friends too, but you know, with my busuk, he spoiled me so much! I can be so mengada and menggedik but he still stand with me. Kan b? Huhu.

Shopping? Aah.. This is the best part. What do I want to but with my first salary here! Ka-ching! Shopping mall in here is not comparable with malls in KL, but still, OK lah.. But I have promise myself to save up a lot of cash from my salary. So, macam mana ni? Sounds like nothing makes me happy anymore.

Back to soap opera. WTF!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Borneo Land

Hello Borneo Post, Goodbye New Strait Time

Baru lepas balik kerja. Comot.

Nak dijadikan cerita, hari tu I nak beli roti. Ala, roti putih biasa yang kita makan tu macam roti gardenia ke high five ke dan sebagainya.

Me : Roti gardenia ada tak? (Sambil membelek roti putih yang dibalut dengan plastik putih biasa yang dibuat sendiri)

Tauke kedai : Haha. (Gelak mengejek) Gardenia sini mana ada!

Me : Roti lain macam high five ke, yang lain la, ada?

Tauke kedai : Sini semua roti macam tu takda. Ada roti macam ni ja. (Roti keluaran sendiri)

Me : Ooo. Mana maw beli ah itu roti gardenia?

Tauke kedai : Airport.

OMG! Haha. Nak tergelak. Tak tahulah dia perli ke hape.

Tapi saya sangat merindui roti gardenia..


Hey Dorothy!

First of all, thanks to ariana, anis and mira for you comment. At least I know Im being remembered. Thank you for the comforting words. You guys rox! Love ya!

Since I came here I realised I didnt take even a single picture. Takde mood. Later lah I post pictures. (Gambar graduate pon malas nak upload, tapi tengoklah kalau rajin malam ni)

I went out with my friend Azza to house hunting. Sadly, the place is so undescribeable. I know its normal to look at house yang tak comfortable, but, since dah kat sini, my feeling exeggarate pulak. Duh.

In the mean while since we get our new place, we are staying in Tanahmas. It so stressful to think that we will only stay there for 2 weeks! After that all the comfiness of staying in hotel with good breakfast and bed will be gone! Waaa!! Crying out loud. :(

The work? Gosh! Its challenging. Really. You have to deal with the local there and how can you make a young exec listen to you while you're already more senior than her. Gosh. Enough with work stuff. Nanti kalau staff dekat sana baca, tak ke naya? (I wish they wont, I wont reveal them anything about me online)

I still feel I did not fit in here yet. Another thing yang I selalu dengar from people here is tempat ni selalu banjir. What? (With annoyed face)

And dekat sini makan susah nak cari. Majority people here is chinese and bumi, so lagi banyak la tempat makan non-halal compare to halal. Muslim here is normally melanau and a little bit of malay.

I selalu wish nak kerja dekat overseas. I guess this is it. "over-sea" Get me?

I still miss home.

I guess I will always be missing my home.

Its true when dorothy said that there is no place like home.

Home sweet home.




Wanted the guy on the right. Please bring him here in Sibu. Because Im dying (literally) and I need him so badly.. :(

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Listen to me please..

To tell the truth, I dah malas nak update blog. My mood kill everything. I feel so left out, alone and lonely.

Currently right now Im in Sibu. It's been only 3days but my heart and chest feel like I cant take it anymore.

Homesick like crazy. Like hell.

I miss my old life. I miss my family. I miss my friends. And mostly I miss my boyfie.

Prayer help me to become stronger, Alhamdullilah. But, everytime, I feel like there's a big hole inside my chest, bleeding and in pain.

Im out of tears but my heart insist to cry myself a river. (Haha)

I wonder where life going to take me after this. Life is ironic sometime. But Im the kind of person who strongly believe that everything happen for a reason.

The first time I went off from home is to Taiping where I continued y form 4 and 5 in MRSM Taiping. Im proud with my school and this is the place that really change my life. I met a group of great friends there and we're still like sisters and my classmates, the best sibling in the world. I think every person from MRSM Taiping have a bond, an intimacy that all of us can feel.

Then, to Changlun. Yeah, I did my matriculation here in KMK (Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah). I still remembered the first time I cried because I was like where the heck is changlun? Is it even exist in the Malaysia map? But, hey, that is one of the place I treasured. The food was damn good and CHEAP!

Move on to my uni days where I went to JB, I mean Skudai for UTM. This is the place where I grow to be better and never look back to underestimate myself or others. This is the place where I finally know what I want and what I want to become. I found my bestest friend here who happen to be my lover, my soulmate. I hope we'll continue our journey together after this, InsyaAllah.

Along the way of these journey, ofcourse I met a lot of people and friends and I think each of them leave a mark inside me, even the tiniest remark.

Im so melancholic. Boo!

I wish things will be better after this.

I wish.

Lots of love,
Primadona Klasik

Monday, October 4, 2010

You know I love you mama


Thank you for comforting me with your wisdom words.

Thank you for believing in me and have faith in me.

Thank you for not giving up with me.

Thank you for being such a wise bestfriend.

Thank you for sharing your life's secret and protecting me.

Thank you for all your countless love.

Thanx mama, for being you.

Friday, October 1, 2010


I feel numb.

