Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Listen to me please..

To tell the truth, I dah malas nak update blog. My mood kill everything. I feel so left out, alone and lonely.

Currently right now Im in Sibu. It's been only 3days but my heart and chest feel like I cant take it anymore.

Homesick like crazy. Like hell.

I miss my old life. I miss my family. I miss my friends. And mostly I miss my boyfie.

Prayer help me to become stronger, Alhamdullilah. But, everytime, I feel like there's a big hole inside my chest, bleeding and in pain.

Im out of tears but my heart insist to cry myself a river. (Haha)

I wonder where life going to take me after this. Life is ironic sometime. But Im the kind of person who strongly believe that everything happen for a reason.

The first time I went off from home is to Taiping where I continued y form 4 and 5 in MRSM Taiping. Im proud with my school and this is the place that really change my life. I met a group of great friends there and we're still like sisters and my classmates, the best sibling in the world. I think every person from MRSM Taiping have a bond, an intimacy that all of us can feel.

Then, to Changlun. Yeah, I did my matriculation here in KMK (Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah). I still remembered the first time I cried because I was like where the heck is changlun? Is it even exist in the Malaysia map? But, hey, that is one of the place I treasured. The food was damn good and CHEAP!

Move on to my uni days where I went to JB, I mean Skudai for UTM. This is the place where I grow to be better and never look back to underestimate myself or others. This is the place where I finally know what I want and what I want to become. I found my bestest friend here who happen to be my lover, my soulmate. I hope we'll continue our journey together after this, InsyaAllah.

Along the way of these journey, ofcourse I met a lot of people and friends and I think each of them leave a mark inside me, even the tiniest remark.

Im so melancholic. Boo!

I wish things will be better after this.

I wish.

Lots of love,
Primadona Klasik

1 comment:

mira said...

naz, be strong! aku tau ko kuat.. xpe dk jauh2, yg pnting duit masyuuukkk.
ko dk ngn sape kt sana? ada transpot ke?