Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dont hate, lets love!

Hello guys!

Happy saturday!

Right now Im having a really bad peroid pain. Ouuucchhh.. :'(

Its been 2 weeks already since Im here. I cant wait to count until 2 months! I'll be home at the end of this month and obviously Im happy only for that reason.

Things aren't doing so well at my work place. I have to be patient for that.

My mum is my biggest supporter. She's my backbone. I become more manja and closer to her since the first time I was away from home during my school days. She was so worried about me and a phrase that really touched me when she said she wish she could fly right now to be with me. Aww. I love you mum. You're the best. :)

My dad as always being my hero. He like to make sure all my needs is been taken care off. He even ask me to buy TV and astro for my new house. How sweet of him.

I am 23 years old and working. But I still feel like Im 19 and still need my parents to support me. I feel like an only child.

That feeling is what makes me stronger in here. Not to forgot Mr Hunnyb. We always in touch everyday and sometime I forgot that I was away from him. Thanks sayang.

Till we meet again in the next entry. I wish everyone is full of happiness and love today.

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