Friday, October 8, 2010

Soap Opera

Hello guys!

Today is friday. Usually friday is always my favorite day. But this friday is a bit different. I dont feel happy or excited for the weekend. Boo!

I still miss Shah Alam, KL and JB. Badly. :(

Enough with my soppy soap opera, lets talk about something else, shall we?

Hm.. What else makes me happy rather than good food, good company and shopping?

Good food, I have to cross off from the list since in here they don't have many good place for food. (I miss food in my hometown like crazy!)

Remind me to ask my mum to make sambal kacang with nasi impit when I come back home. I crave for them.

Good company? The best company ever is my busuk! Ofcourse lah my family and friends too, but you know, with my busuk, he spoiled me so much! I can be so mengada and menggedik but he still stand with me. Kan b? Huhu.

Shopping? Aah.. This is the best part. What do I want to but with my first salary here! Ka-ching! Shopping mall in here is not comparable with malls in KL, but still, OK lah.. But I have promise myself to save up a lot of cash from my salary. So, macam mana ni? Sounds like nothing makes me happy anymore.

Back to soap opera. WTF!



naz, what u want from JB? i post for you.. but not your busuk okey.. hehehehe..

how about your work darling? everything okey or.....

aishah abu bakar said...

xpe cuti nanti bole balik dun worry ;) ada khabar mengatakan mamat2 sibu handsome2 belaka hehe

Bukan Primadona said...

anis, kenapa? nak pos kat sni ke? boleh gak. kita tuka2 la nak? kita pos sumtin dr sini. ok?

aishah, benarla khabar angin tu, tp yg paling hensem tetap yg kat jb tuh. haha.