Monday, May 21, 2012

Hold On..

*random pics in my room*

For the past weeks, every Monday feel like a marathon. Today, no exception. I am too busy catching up with workload and I am just lost.

It really frustrated when someone did not honor their work responsibility. It is not a good culture though. There's always a time I feel like screaming and would like all of this workload to stop. But I just can't.

Kind. Honest and Sincerity. These things feel like did not exist in corporate world I guess. Everyone want reward. Who doesnt? Tapi kalau nak berkira sangat, sampai bila?

Good thing I have passion in what I do. All the bitterness, I just swallow it. Cry inside and be tough doing it.

I will get the reward one day. As for now, just be patient and learn.

In the end, what matters is your heart, your intention.

Goodnight & Assalam.

1 comment:

Annisa Mulia Razali said...

Everything will be okay :)