Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A living mess

Oh Pleasee...

Sense of hating everything is coming, literally. Past few days feel like Im a zombie. A living dead. I just do my work without passion.

Things to do.
1. Write everyday. Express my feeling, what im dreaming, hope, faith and everything. I rarely write nowadays, except for stuff I do for work, meeting, bla, bla, bla.

2. Update my resume. Collect the best resume available and touch up. Take a photo with scarf as well.

3. Search for better oopurtunity for my career wise. Explore other industries.

4. Plan my everyday routine. Plan what to wear the night before. Plan what to do for the next day. Plan what to eat. And please my dear Naz, make it a habitt!

5. Don't miss your prayer. Just dont. That is what giving you the positive energy.

6. Just do it. Don't wait. But it is effing hard! I need something to move me. But the truth is, you don't need that someting. Just do it. Impliment all your theory to become success. You make yourself complicated. TT

7. Tidy your room everyday. Decorate your room like you always imagine. The room is all yours now. You're not moving anywhere. It just your excuse.

8. Track money spending daily. Pay on the spot. Jangan berhutang with anyone even with your mum! And don't spend on something you can't afford. You think you can afford it, but actually you don't.

9. Eat healthily. Track what your eat. Make sure every meal is balance. Don't ever eat. Stop before feeling full.

10. Set target and timeline. You always have that thing in your mind and you let go of it because you don't believe in it. You can, Naz, yes you do.

Hope to see you not a mess anymore. I know I will meet better you soon.

Cheers. Yours truly,

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