Saturday, May 19, 2012

Smells good in my bedroom

Hello good people!

How was your Saturday? Mine was good. Because finally, finally, I had tidy up my room like I always wanted to!

While doing the cleaning, I feel like traveling back to my own memory lane. From secondary school to MRSM Taiping to matriculation to University to Proton to Sarawak and until now. My journey did not end yet.

I have a habit of scribbling my dreams and desire. While looking back at those scribble, I am still me, 14 years ago. It just amazing! I still want what I want 14 years ago and I will work my ass out to get on the top of my dreams, In shaa Allah.

Anyway, I have fun taking pictures some of my stuff. I feel satisfied and relieved because if I keep on procrastinating, my life wont move anywhere. Like, seriously!

You have to push yourself to move forward. This is just a first step. I believe good thing will come to my life soon. I just got the feeling. Wee-woo!

And, I just can't wait to post picture of my room. Tunggu ye.. Let me finish decorating.

 Paper bag hoarder!

 Handbags! Not including hand over to my sisters.

 My therapy during my teenage life. I am a rebel. Rebel at heart!

I just love perfume! No matter how ugly I feel, perfume will make me feel good. I collect the empty bottles. Each smells remind me the moment I experience during that period. Its like dejavu!

Note to self, discipline! In everything you do! Plan and execute! Without planning, you're planning to fail. But, to make the plan a success, you have to take action. And it is just SAD to have a plan without action.

Goodnight. :)

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