Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kindness, please?

I think Allah granted one of my wish. To be a good friend with this person. We were never a 'friend' actually. But today, I can say she is. :)

Years ago, when I was still young stupid, I am kinda don't really like her. I try to be her friend but the situation was just complicated. To shorten the story, we manage to be friend now and she is actually a nice person! Really nice and kind too. And now I understand why. :) I just feel so glad!

I learn something from her and her brother today. Be kind and never judge. I just adore this traits! I mean, how many of us to actually invite a beggar to eat together with you. I never did that before. And today, I am a part from the kind act. It just move me!

So, this one boy, about 8 years old came to our table (we were in a cafe) and ask for money. What she and her brother did is asking the boy either he's hungry. He said yes. She and her brother offer the little boy to eat together with us. When the food arrive, I can see he is really hungry and eat like wolf. When the boy finished, they said, 'we will not offer you money, but we will pay for the food.' Wow!

Typical me, I will just ignore the little boy or just give him one or two ringgit. I would never bother to ask where he's from, are you hungry or stuff like that and even sometime, I am skeptical as I thought it is some kind of scam. But she did and I feel a bit ashamed to myself.

This makes me happy today! To be kind. Really makes you happy. And Allah just grant my wish long ago. To be a good friend with her. :)

See ya!

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