Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Domestic Goddess

The title said it all. I think I am! =P

This past week (and another following weeks until the school is open), I am practically, a domestic goddess. Haha. I cook, I clean, I wash the dishes, living hall and bathroom. Laundry and ironing will be my sister's chores.

My maid was away since she has to take care of my grandmother who went for knee surgery. To keep the house balance, I voluntary take care of the kitchen. And it was satisfying!

It is a pay off, since I love watching food network, travel and living and food channel that much. I mean I create my own recipe! The whole family said it was good! Haha. Sadly, no picture taken since they straight away eat the food when I serve it on the table. Nothing much of the recipe actually. But my mum never cook that stuff. It was just a seafood cabonara. but I change it to something light and creamy. :) Next time I keep it posted ya on the recipe.

Ok. Got to go. Need to take a bath and clean the mess in the kitchen. Boring? I know!

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