Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tough Tuesday

"Reason will not lead to solution,
I will end up lost in confusion."
Lovefool- The Cardigan

Hi & Assalammualaikum.

I had tough day today. The pressure of my work, gosh, I can explode! But I take it positively. I just assume it is like a test in life so that I can go to the next level. *Level Up*

I can whine into details all day about the work pressure but I choose not to. I try to stand in my believe but sometime the environment force me not to.

I choose to be patient instead of blaming others. I choose to do all the work even it is mean lowering my standard, because I feel the responsibility. I choose to keep all the rant inside than blowing it out. I choose to be kind instead of being mean and trashing with harsh word. I choose to back off rather than winning myself in verbal fight (because I know I can win but I chose not to). I choose to help even it means extra work. I choose to be me instead of being ignorance like others.

I choose all this. So, I cannot whine. People will be people, with lots of different attitude and perspective. I need to remind myself to look for the best in every person.

Be kind, Be positive, Be firm and Be patient, so that one day I will Be beyond this.

Anyway, just sharing on how I look today. Like a 'cikgu' like that. Hihi.

P/s - I miss to have a glow on my look. It usually happen when he's around. :(


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Punching in a dream

I was inspired today.

"You deserve BETTER. Keep chasing. 

I love you darling. And..... 
Challenge Accepted!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


While whining to the boyfriend about my endless work stuff..

Me : I wish I ada 8 tangan macam sotong. Senang I nak buat semua kerja serentak. Kalau otak ada 8 pun bagus. Tak sakit kepala nak fikir semua problem.

Him : I pulak kalau jadi sotong nanti I jadi pondan.

Haha. You always know how to make me laugh. =) 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hold On..

*random pics in my room*

For the past weeks, every Monday feel like a marathon. Today, no exception. I am too busy catching up with workload and I am just lost.

It really frustrated when someone did not honor their work responsibility. It is not a good culture though. There's always a time I feel like screaming and would like all of this workload to stop. But I just can't.

Kind. Honest and Sincerity. These things feel like did not exist in corporate world I guess. Everyone want reward. Who doesnt? Tapi kalau nak berkira sangat, sampai bila?

Good thing I have passion in what I do. All the bitterness, I just swallow it. Cry inside and be tough doing it.

I will get the reward one day. As for now, just be patient and learn.

In the end, what matters is your heart, your intention.

Goodnight & Assalam.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Smells good in my bedroom

Hello good people!

How was your Saturday? Mine was good. Because finally, finally, I had tidy up my room like I always wanted to!

While doing the cleaning, I feel like traveling back to my own memory lane. From secondary school to MRSM Taiping to matriculation to University to Proton to Sarawak and until now. My journey did not end yet.

I have a habit of scribbling my dreams and desire. While looking back at those scribble, I am still me, 14 years ago. It just amazing! I still want what I want 14 years ago and I will work my ass out to get on the top of my dreams, In shaa Allah.

Anyway, I have fun taking pictures some of my stuff. I feel satisfied and relieved because if I keep on procrastinating, my life wont move anywhere. Like, seriously!

You have to push yourself to move forward. This is just a first step. I believe good thing will come to my life soon. I just got the feeling. Wee-woo!

And, I just can't wait to post picture of my room. Tunggu ye.. Let me finish decorating.

 Paper bag hoarder!

 Handbags! Not including hand over to my sisters.

 My therapy during my teenage life. I am a rebel. Rebel at heart!

I just love perfume! No matter how ugly I feel, perfume will make me feel good. I collect the empty bottles. Each smells remind me the moment I experience during that period. Its like dejavu!

Note to self, discipline! In everything you do! Plan and execute! Without planning, you're planning to fail. But, to make the plan a success, you have to take action. And it is just SAD to have a plan without action.

Goodnight. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A friend is a someone like you!


I had a pretty busy day. Lucky my fellow colleagues were cool as ice, so I feel happy despite the pressure of the work. And again, random pictures I took today. :)

A note of friendship from my best buddy at work, Sharifah

I was moody when I started my week. So, I decided to get a little help from Spongebob. Oh, boy, he was good.

My list-to-do. And the dateline is within 2 weeks. TT

Let's become a better person tomorrow, shall we? In shaa Allah.

Roger and out! Goodnight!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Random Tuesday


Happy Tuesday! I was happy today because I finally received a new laptop from the company! Yeah, real slow, I know, but its new and shining.. Hihi.. Tak sia-sia tunggu coz I dont want to use second hand lappy.

Anyway, random pictures I snap for today.

 My best buddy in my department wrote this. She claimed that I'm hers. 

Old vs New. 

Current favorite, mini pretzel! My sisters cakap tak sedap, but, wth, I love it anyway!

Ok. Goodnight everyone! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012



I had a nice weekend, Alhamdullilah. The whole family is complete as Nedy came back home for a weekend.

Today, we celebrate mum's at Ikea with her favorite dish, Poached Salmon. We had a fun and great time together and did a lil shopping there. We never came home empty from Ikea. I mean, come on.

Later this evening, hunnyb called me and we share our days as usual and he say something that really touch my heart. Before he end the conversation, he said, "Manja, happy mother's day. I tahu you belum jadi ibu lagi tapi satu hari nanti you will."

I swear my feet was above the ground that moment. I love you. :)

Be good, people! Tulu~

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Ride Home

My ride home.

My English sucks lately (dulu taklah hebat sangat but better kot!). It shows when my boss commented my paperwork. Sigh. Tulah, dah lama tak membaca!

Bare with me, entry kali ini memang nak membebel rintihan hidup. Acewah.

Since I transfer back to KL, I become a slave to my work. Kadang-kadang sampai rasa macam tak bernafas. But somehow, I like my job scope. Everyday is not the same and unpredictable. I do things that can bring effect to the service division. If I do it wrong, people will look after me. Kadang-kadang penat to take the blame, to think of the consequences, to make sure things run as planned, etc. Tapi the satisfaction, bring joy to me (walaupun yang dapat selalunya komen membina dan membunuh).

I don't think I do it well. I wish I can be perfect. I am not a details person. And that is the part that always get me in the end.

Back to 'my ride home', perasaan setiap kali balik kerja adalah sama. Gembira ke, sedih ke, sama je. Meaning deep inside I feel the same. Why?

Sebab every ride home, I always think about him. I let my imagination run wildly about us. Things we do, things we would do, things we might do.. And I just miss having conversation with him in the car. :')

The bittersweet feeling always get me. I feel sad but at the same time happy. Happy knowing we're sharing the same faith and hope and sad that I have to face this phase on my own.

Tapi in the end, I still feel grateful for this life. Always. I am grateful for the car I ride, grateful for a very understanding and supportive family, grateful for good health, grateful for the colleagues and friends I have. And most importantly, I am grateful knowing Allah is always there listening and taking care of me and people around me and people that I love.

My ride home.

My pure feeling in a day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Productive Monday


Productive Monday. That's all I can say.

1. Had a pretty 'sizzling' argument between me and this manager. Everyone wants to be a boss, but nobody cares to do the work anyway! Yeah, bully me now! Later, I'll be someone above! (I just say that to console my heart). I need to firm and bold in order to survive and climbing the career ladder, but I have a soft side that  I couldn't get rid of sometime.

2. From my observation, there's a lot kind of manager. As for me, I decide to be one of my own. A kickin ass that wont bring pain in others' ass. Well, maybe a little. =P I don't have to be mean or selfish. There's also a nice one. And the nice one earn more respect. Nice but firm.

3. Perseverance. Keep it up. Just suck it up.

4. Enough about work. So, after I went back from work, my mind keep thinking about hunnyb (as usual and always). I wish I can have our teh-tarik-maggi-goreng session together. I am not really a big fan of mamak, but everything seems perfect whenever we dated there. I just miss him I guess.

5. I scrub my toilet with the new toilet cleaner. Total satisfaction. Spic and span. And sparkle. Hehe.

6. For the first time, I watched New Girl. Sumpah sangat best! I heard it before and now only I am believing it.

7. Bake a chocolate chunky brownies with sisters. Double satisfaction.

Ok. Goodnite!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A living mess

Oh Pleasee...

Sense of hating everything is coming, literally. Past few days feel like Im a zombie. A living dead. I just do my work without passion.

Things to do.
1. Write everyday. Express my feeling, what im dreaming, hope, faith and everything. I rarely write nowadays, except for stuff I do for work, meeting, bla, bla, bla.

2. Update my resume. Collect the best resume available and touch up. Take a photo with scarf as well.

3. Search for better oopurtunity for my career wise. Explore other industries.

4. Plan my everyday routine. Plan what to wear the night before. Plan what to do for the next day. Plan what to eat. And please my dear Naz, make it a habitt!

5. Don't miss your prayer. Just dont. That is what giving you the positive energy.

6. Just do it. Don't wait. But it is effing hard! I need something to move me. But the truth is, you don't need that someting. Just do it. Impliment all your theory to become success. You make yourself complicated. TT

7. Tidy your room everyday. Decorate your room like you always imagine. The room is all yours now. You're not moving anywhere. It just your excuse.

8. Track money spending daily. Pay on the spot. Jangan berhutang with anyone even with your mum! And don't spend on something you can't afford. You think you can afford it, but actually you don't.

9. Eat healthily. Track what your eat. Make sure every meal is balance. Don't ever eat. Stop before feeling full.

10. Set target and timeline. You always have that thing in your mind and you let go of it because you don't believe in it. You can, Naz, yes you do.

Hope to see you not a mess anymore. I know I will meet better you soon.

Cheers. Yours truly,