Saturday, February 4, 2012


I was hanging out with my good friend this evening and we reminiscing our first time during the interview of my current company.

While we having a good laugh at it, suddenly I remembered my first interview session and the final question from one of the panel interviewer (which is the GM of HR which obviously I didn't know who he was at first) ask me a question.

"What can you contribute to this company?"

Without thinking long enough, I spontaneously answered.

"I can bring positive vibe."

And he said, "What is this girl talking about? What do you mean? What positive can bring to the company?"

I was nervous like hell during that time and blaming myself for choosing the wrong answer. But I did answered him back.

"It means, when there is obstacle, and things become so negative at the workplace, I will shine out the positive vibe."

He silent and looking skeptically at me. In fact the whole room was silent. I make my way out and I thought I didn't make it.

But now, the rest is history.

So, I need to remind myself, to stay positive, no matter what obstacles come.

Have a good evening!

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