Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Young, Wild and Free

Surprise & Speechless & Excited of course!

Sooo.. I am finally 25! Weeee! But deep in my heart I knew I always 23. ^_^

I wish a wonderful year ahead. Celebration from families and friends are just beyond words. I could never thank them enough. The boyfie did celebrate a week before. It was unexpected too.

That morning I was stressed by assurance and stuff as I had to do minor surgery. Lesson learnt, do take care of yourself as medical treatment can be so expensive nowadays.

Then, I received chocs from one of my colleague with a wishes. Most of my good friends in my workplace did wish me and it makes me feel so happy! Thank you.

That evening, I complained to Kak Ila saying that no one singing a birthday song to me. By surprise, my best closest friend (Leen) in my department came out with not one but two cakes! Wow! I feel special. (please jangan muntah). The cake was sponsored by a manager who always scold me. Erk. Thank you boss.

It is just not them, there are plenty more names I did not mention.

Came to home, another cake from my families. Each of the families gave me present this year, so I am happy! :)

So, why I become miserable sometime? I had many things to be thankful about. I have so many love by others. I learn it on my birthday.

So what? Living young and wild and free.


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