Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Part of me that never die

When it come to love, I am a hopeless romantic. I like to imagine a fairy tale happy ending love story. As I grew wiser, I realise, life has never had it ends. It goes on. So, there is no such thing as happy ending. It continues..

I was a fat kid back then. So I never had a single boyfriend when I was in school. Baik sekolah rendah sampai sekolah menengah sampai la ke boarding school.

My imagination back then was like wow! I was a loner and imagination is the only thing can makes me happy. I was a social awkward. Not a miss popular. Not a sports person. I was a nerd. A real fat nerd. But thank God I survive school days. With flying colors lagi. But then wasn't that rainbow lah.. LOL!

I was a trouble kid when I was 8-10 years old. I still remember the school's headmaster calling my parents and advise them to pay more attention to me and spend more time with me. Apa lagi, balik tu my mum mengamuk gila lah. Lucky my dad confront my mum. But I did not really understand what it means during that time. All I remember is I was lazy to do my school work and homework. My school bag penuh sampah and I dont really care what the teachers' teach at school. Surprisingly, boleh pulak I pass PTS and lompat darjah 5. Pelik. I was not a smart kid. Selalu pun dapat nombor belas-belas je dalam class, jarang top 10. Sekali dua je kot dapat no 3. Since then, semua orang ingat I budak pandai.

Jauh pulak I cerita ye..

When I was a kid, all my life is my parents. Sekarang pun ye jugak, tapi masa kecik-kecik rasa my whole life is my parents. That's why I superr love attention from them. I don't give a damn if other people ignore me or hate me. As long as my parents love me, I've the world. Tapi biasala kan, masa kecik-kecik selalu kena marah bagai. Time tu rasa nak lari dari rumah la, apela.. Haha.. Now dah besar, rasa macam nak jadi budak kecik je sampai bila-bila..

What is my point this whole rambling?

The point is nothing. I was bored and feeling lonely. And my wild imagination came back visiting me. Sebab tu teringat time kecik-kecik dulu..

I miss a pure and sincere heart of a child.

Imagination... can be a bestfriend that cheer you and pick you up.


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