Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ICC MPC East M'sia Region

Ok. Ini cerita dah basi. Tapi nak cerita gak.

It was unforgettable moment. Ish, taktau nak start kat mana lah. Hmm. Ok. Lets start with my company. Ok. I work with Proton Edar. Service Centre. Sibu. Sarawak. Yes. Sarawak. Proton is that daring transferring people. For good I guess.

That's not the point lah. So, in Edar, yearly they will organize ICC. ICC stands for Inovative Creative Circle. Its like for improvement in daily work to increase productivity, quality, etc. Some sort like Kaizen la macam tu. You have to come up with a problem in your department and find root causes and solution to the problem. Boring eh? To keep it short, we have to do paper work about our idea to the improvement of daily work process.

So each department will send a group and will compete with each other in respective region. The winner of a region will be competing with other company or organization in MPC Convenction. Dey, apehal gelabah sangat cerita MPC ni? Sebab group kitaorang menang ofcourse!! We received gold award. Muahaha. Plus, we're fresh group while most of the other group memang gempak giler ah. Yela, its their 4-5th time join MPC. Mana tak terror.

Plus the MPC Convenction for East M'sia Region was held in Kota Kinabalu. I love KK for its beautiful scenery and friendly people.

Yeay! Lets scroll for pictures. Dah lama tak upload pictures.

With Mag - the master 'paperwork'

Masa tengah present

Winning Team ;D

See you in the next entry. Next week balik raya. Best!

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