Monday, August 22, 2011

Ini merupakan entry yang tersangatlah down. Lebih baik jangan baca.

Harini dari pagi sampai lah ke malam, sedih je rasa hati. I feel so lonely inside. Dekat luar, I pretend laughing with friends here but deep inside menangis.

I hate the fact that I am that manja and gedik who love need attention. I dont want all the attention in the world, enough with my close one. Sadly, I dont have that anyone here. Dont get me wrong, I do have a bestfriend here but ofcourse I am not her priority.

I hate the fact that I am that sensitive. Easily merajuk. And I just want a friend. Who will console me, love me no matter what, who know how to 'pujuk' me.

Bahahaha. Who are you Naz? Kenapa lak orang nak ambil hati kau? T_T

I feel so sad.. Menangis hujan.

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