Monday, December 27, 2010

Tougher Heart

Dear sunshine and everything nice,

Please come here to cheer me up. To remind myself how wonderful life is. To remember back all my dreams. To give me courage to chase them back.

Dear rainbow and flowers,

Please take away all this tears. Ease up the pain inside my chest. Take away this bleeding heart. Cuz I feel like I can't take it anymore.

Dear sugar and cupcakes,

Why you didn't bring joy to my life like it used to be? Did I do something hurtful to you? Well, if I did, forgive me, and let my taste bud enjoy you and gave me fireworks.

Dear Nazurah,

Hang on tight, dear. You're stronger than you think. And I promise you all the good things will come your way..... soon.

Lots of Love,
Tougher heart

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