Sunday, December 12, 2010


Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak dekat 3 bulan I dekat sini. Wow. I mean like I survive, yeay! :)

I still remembered the moment I open up my transfer letter 2 months ago. When I read Sibu, I was like really? Sibu? You're not kidding, right? Transferring a single young woman so far away from home. Like that was mean!

Apparently, they're not kidding. And here I am now and the rest is a history. I know there are a lot of young people had been sent to work faraway from home. But as for my case, I was not mentally prepared and didn't even think they would sent me here, because they dont have the reputation sending people outstation (at least as far as I know)

It become harder coz.....................I rather not talk about it here. Heh.

I miss city life. I miss mall. I miss TGV and GSC.


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