Monday, December 13, 2010

Top of the Pop

Year 2010 is nearly come to the end. Lets do a quick review how this year is another meaningful year in our life, shall we?

My Top 10 Achievement

1. Graduated with dean's list

2. Got an A for my final year project (PSM)

3. Got my first job offer even before I graduated.

4. Starting a career in a big company (with a big pay too?)

5. Paying my own Kelish to my dad.

6. Manage to buy stuffs that I liked on my own.

7. Finally I can give away to my siblings (if only they know how to 'bodek' me).

8. Being able to be on the plane. (I know this one memang LAME gile tapi its been awhile since I fly)

9. Learn how to cook.

10. Tak sampai 10 pun sebenarnya. 9 je. T_T

So, this is a list of what I had achieved so far this year. Alhamdullilah. It is my personal achievement and it is not something big pun. But, I still feel thankful. My life is such a blessed. I wish everyone feel the same way too, right?

Let us think back about what we did this whole year. We can do better next year, InsyaAllah.


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