Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Its been crazy, again!

Lotsa thing happened and Im kinda lost of track.

Im in Shah Alam right now, yeehaw! But, hey, its not for long.

I had a painful stomach ache for days and I feel like my stomach twisting around and sakit gile. But, I have to remember that everytime kita sakit, dosa kecil akan terhapus. So, don't complaint too much eh!

I shop like a mad girl last week.

Had a date with my favourite man last saturday and it was a bliss. *I love you, man!*

Work is KILLING ME! Period.

My family is confirm to be in Sibu at the end of this month. Yeayness!

Iphone 4 is so tempting and I feel like owning them. *evil*

Will update more soon.

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