Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shopping & Love

Im just excited to share with you guys what I bought last weekend. ;)

Forever21 white cardigan+owl necklace+love necklace, brand outlet tshirts (asyik beli dress and blouse je), guess wallet (look like ed hardy, love em!), kooki handbag, VS sexy little things perfume (smells great!), maybelline bb cream+powder (my skin need them)

And my boy came down all the way from JB to meet me just for a day! Aww.. I just wish we can spend more time together.

And the date went perfect till my stomach buat hal. I just need to go to toilet for a lot of times and my boy was patient about that. (Sorry eh darling)

Nak dijadikan cerita, I tak tahan sangat sampai tak larat cari toilet lain and end up paying for RM5 for premier washroom at The Gardens. Wtf. Dah malu, I bayar je sebab dah tak tahan. Haha.

My fav man even bought me cds of all 5 season of 'How I met your mother'. Bertambah sayang. (Actually, I yang kirim, tapi suka hati la nak cakap dia yang bagi jugak!)

I rasa cerita I dah basi nak story kat sini.


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