Monday, November 8, 2010

Where was I?

I always know what I want. But until this point of my life, I am not sure about that anymore.

When I was still undergraduated, I am so passionate about life, almost about everything, like faashion and style, art, love and relationship, building a career or family, having a dream of owning a gazzilion of money, that dream house, dream car and the list goes on and on.

But now, I am a step ahead in my career. But all that passion about life seemed like fade away. I become cranky and moody and do not know how to enjoy life anymore. I dont like this part of my life.

I understand that life is always full of up and down. But I dont like to be in 'down' for a long time, you see.

Sometime I dont know whether I made a right decision. Really. I. Dont. Know.

I miss my comfort zone.

I wish everything will become okay after this.

I know it will.


1 comment:

i n - c h a n said...

its always nice to be in a comfort zone, but one day if this beautifully made comforting zone leaves u, what will u do?

somehow u have to get out from it and taste the new zones instead of clinging on such comfort.

i love being in a comfort zone too. it feel secured, it feels comforted. but sometimes we need a lot more than being secured, to actually realize whats our potentials are. you have a lot to give, you have the potentials, that what your company see you right?

i am worried about my working life that will start soon too, it will be hard but good things wont always come easy.

just bear a lil more and see the potentials in u. u can do it, naz. i knw u do.