Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hey guys!

I know. I know. I've been such a whore whining endlessly about my new place. I even wondered to myself, why I hate this new place so much?

The truth is, it is not the place that I hate. I hate the fact that I am 1hour 50mins away from loved one. And I wish it is only 1hour and 50mins drive away. But its not. What if I am so broke during the time I feel like going home so badly? How? Blurgh.

The fact that actually I am not mentally ready to start a new life far away from the place that was familiar to me.

Optimist. Positive. Desire.

Its time to really get into myself to know and decide what I really want in my life.

Its time.

I am in control of my life. NOT OTHERS.

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