Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Not your ordinary chips


Hey Guys!

Im just glad monday's over!

So, as on my way back from work, my housemate showed me a cool (yes, they're cool!)supermarket that she just found out in Sibu.

Why lah they're cool?

Because it is a supermarket that sell a lot imported stuff. It's kinda like Bangsar Village supermarket with plenty of junk food from overseas (except, ofcoz Bangsar Village is way cooler). So, I was very excited that I can finally see a lot chocolates and chips with familiar brand.

But, what excite me the most is the chips available. They have a lot of vegetable and fruits chips range of products and I decided to brought 2 cool chips. They were

Shitake Mushroom Chips and

Natural Fruit Chips

As for the natural fruit chips, the mixed fruits were jackfruit, apple, pineapple, banana and star fruit (really star fruit?). I dont really fancy the fruit chips but the mushroom chips definately way cooler!

And oh, thank god I didnt spend much in this shop! But, let's pray for the next time I wouldn't!

P/s - I'll be watching Chinta from my mum's sofa tomorrow. Wee~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh myyyyy..
I want that mushroom chips pretty please? ;)