Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hey Dorothy!

First of all, thanks to ariana, anis and mira for you comment. At least I know Im being remembered. Thank you for the comforting words. You guys rox! Love ya!

Since I came here I realised I didnt take even a single picture. Takde mood. Later lah I post pictures. (Gambar graduate pon malas nak upload, tapi tengoklah kalau rajin malam ni)

I went out with my friend Azza to house hunting. Sadly, the place is so undescribeable. I know its normal to look at house yang tak comfortable, but, since dah kat sini, my feeling exeggarate pulak. Duh.

In the mean while since we get our new place, we are staying in Tanahmas. It so stressful to think that we will only stay there for 2 weeks! After that all the comfiness of staying in hotel with good breakfast and bed will be gone! Waaa!! Crying out loud. :(

The work? Gosh! Its challenging. Really. You have to deal with the local there and how can you make a young exec listen to you while you're already more senior than her. Gosh. Enough with work stuff. Nanti kalau staff dekat sana baca, tak ke naya? (I wish they wont, I wont reveal them anything about me online)

I still feel I did not fit in here yet. Another thing yang I selalu dengar from people here is tempat ni selalu banjir. What? (With annoyed face)

And dekat sini makan susah nak cari. Majority people here is chinese and bumi, so lagi banyak la tempat makan non-halal compare to halal. Muslim here is normally melanau and a little bit of malay.

I selalu wish nak kerja dekat overseas. I guess this is it. "over-sea" Get me?

I still miss home.

I guess I will always be missing my home.

Its true when dorothy said that there is no place like home.

Home sweet home.



Anonymous said...

Love you too Nazurah! That's what friends are for! :)


oh yeah!! sokong ari!!
teruskanlah menulis ceritera dan perkembangan disana.. sekurang-kurangnya naz mesti tau yang kami sentiasa membaca ceritera terkini naz tu...
we always with u dear!