Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I feel the urge to write. Maybe because I feel overwhelmed of my new job. I am thankful to Allah about that. No doubt. He is the Master of all of us. Maha pemberi rezeki.

Everything that happen in life is Allah's will. Have faith and believe in Him.

I still remember one of my coach in a training told me this. "Sometime, we feel confuse with what's happening in our life. But, as you grow, you will be thankful for all the thing that happened to you. In order for you to get the things that you want, you will experience things you don't like. But it is all as a preparation."

I've got to agree with this lady though.

It is good to build a relationship with people around you. And keep in touch with them once in a while. I just texted one of my favourite lecturer back in UTM. Surprisingly, he still remember me. Maybe I should catch up with him when I come down to JB one day.

I also planned to treat my ex boss lunch. She gave me a good recommendation and I feel like I owed her. May god repay her kindness.

Be positive all the way!

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