Monday, March 10, 2014

Prayer to MH370

MH370 is in the news headline nationwide, or maybe worldwide. My deep condolences and prayer goes to all the passengers, crew cabin and of course their families. The aircraft went missing since last Saturday. No news heard until today.

Semoga Allah mempermudahkan usaha untuk mencari kapal MH370. Never underestimate the power of prayers. Miracle do happen, InshaAllah.

I am saddened by this incident because it involve MAS and our fellow Malaysian. Despite all the negative news about MAS last few years, I always fond of the airlines. I think because my dad used to work for MAS for 10 years and I still remember followed him to workplace in Subang Airport and I will be fascinated by the air planes in the runaway.

It is even more saddened when I read articles about the captain pilot who is very passionate about flying and mechanical stuff while his co pilot happen to be my junior in MRSM Taiping (although I did not personally know him, but he's part of my something I am proud of).

And reading about the families hope to see their loved one to come back home the speculation lagi... And I even shed tears reading those without realising it.

Sesungguhnya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui semua kejadian di langit dan di bumi. Don't stop praying to Allah.

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