Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 2014


Wow. 2014 already. Alhamdullilah. It means I am 27th this year. Really? Looking back when I was in secondary school, studying for SPM, I was always wondering how will I be when I was 27 or 28 years old. Now, here I am. I can't never thank Allah for his blessing and opportunity He gave.

I'll be starting a new work place soon. Next week to be exact. I just had experience crucible in my career life at 27! I am just glad it happen even when it hurts. So, I have stories to tell when I will be a CEO one day if they ask me about my career journey. ;P I mean business is just a business, nothing personal. But, as human, of course we will feel hurt when people do things that you don't want them to.

I used to heard this a lot - "You have the potential." Until one day, one of my boss finally said this "You have the material to be on the top.". I am happy to know that. From potential to material. At least I know for myself, a little compliment to boost my motivation and to let me stay focus.

Enough with career, I think there is a silver lining behind all this. I had a chance to reflect and assess myself. I get a chance to take care of my mum in the hospital. I had the chance to focus on my relationship. Yeah. Allah is the best planner above all.

Till we meet again. <3!

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