Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Linger Cranberries


Next week dah start kerja. Like, seriously?! My two weeks off will end soon. Can't believe it's nearly over. Nevertheless, I had fun, rest and enough inspiration and confidence to face another challenging year.

I watched click earlier this morning. I watch that movie before but today, the movie gave me new perspective. Sebelum ni, I only focus on lovey-dovey part about the relationship of husband and wife and the family. But today, I learn more than just that.

We have to face every moment in life - like challenges and uncomfortable situation. If we want only to live on the sweet things in life, we will missed out most part of our life. Like in the movie, he fast forward his life whenever conflicts happened. In the end, the sweet things just feel meaningless.

Hmm.. Orang lain dah berzaman faham cerita tu. Awak baru nak sibuk cerita. Haha. Ok. Better late than never.

And a little reminder for me. :) Will write out another post later.

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