Monday, December 31, 2012

Dear S**** - part 2

Remember this post? I never thought this will create misunderstanding to my love one. Dear S**** is actually Dear Shell!

The story begin 4 months ago when I had attend Shell interview in Cyberjaya office. I had gone through all 3 stages and I thought I had a chance. But some error occurred when I apply online. Then, I did receive a call and ask me to update my CV. The position offered was in Shell Miri Sarawak. I was stupid by letting it go (because it is in Sarawak). Sekarang menyesal bila fikir balik. :(

Mungkin belum ada rezeki lagi. Hopefully, one day....

Dear S,

I still hoping for you. I still have feeling for you. I thought we're over, but when I visit your page, you get me back.

I am not giving up for you. I will still waiting for you, even it will takes 12 months for now. I was stupid for letting you go, just because I was not confident with myself.


You still haunting me. The thought of you just burn the desire inside of me. It was still there. And maybe will always stay here in my heart.

I hope we will reunite one day. I've got the strong feeling, you'll be mine, I'll be yours one fine day. I will come back for you and you will look out for me. I believe.

S, please, accept me sooner. InshaaAllah.

P/s - Thank you Allah for giving me strength, hope, perspective, energy when I needed it the most. I am fine now. I feel a lot better. I am now ready to kick ass in this world.


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