Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Day Even Better

Cantik tak? (nada seperti eric leong) ;P

I meet these faces everyday.. :) Ni pun tak cukup korem (betul ke spelling ni?)

The package. Woah!

What's inside. Major lurrve!
He even got me my dream car.. Aww..

Happy me after a workday.

As for today, my colleagues surprise me as well... With a beautiful birthday cake! :) Im so touched! We had a simple birthday party. During this time, semua orang malu-malu. Haish!

And.......*drumroll please*.......ting!

I've got a package send with love. My boyfie did gave me a birthday present when I thought he wouldn't! Awwwwww.. (sorry gedik)

I miss him so so much.. I love you b! I really do. Thank you million times. Hehe.

So, that's it. Takde apa dah lepas ni. Just the fact I'll be left alone for a week because my housemate will be going back for training. Duh... :(

Still, I feel love even I am far away from him. Thanks dear. Only you can make me feel this way.

Alhamdullilah.. Aku bersyukur dengan nikmatMu..


nurul farhana said...

happy birthday :) btw besarkan dream car dgn lampu doremon hihi.

Bukan Primadona said...

thanx dear! gosh, kalau ada doreamon, the first thing i'll ask is surely and definately PINTU SUKA HATI! tapi lampu doreamon pun nak gak. ;)