Thursday, February 10, 2011

Old folks

My birthday in advance. Feel like a princess without a tiara.

I feel sense of joy whenever I read stories about people and their family plus loved one. I can be really happy for them because I know how does it feel. I bet you guys know what I mean right?

Really. Family and love. Even money can't buy them. Pure happiness.
I was home last tuesday for work matter and came back here in Sibu on wednesday night. Even I can just only spend few hours at home, it was a bliss. My parents, as always, being my heroes. They always be there for me even when I screw up.

Which I did screwing up on something related to work matters. Sh*t.

Im feeling better now as I cant sleep well the night before. Thank God I was back home during the 'screwed up incident'. God works on mysterious way I guess. The comfiness of home relieve me.

The King and Queen of my heart.

I cried like a lost child. I couldnt care what the public would think of me. I called my dad and he always know the right words to comfort me. I really feel like I am a little girl that was scared of the dark and calling my dad to come and rescue me. *tears*

He did rescue me however. Always.

Then came my mum with emotion bandage. There goes woman to woman talk. Sharing her experience and telling me that everything will be okay. We have mutual feeling and thoughts about life. She makes me feel stronger than ever.

Definately I want to be a mum one day.

I love my parents both the same. Both are my favorite. I cant choose one of them. My mum is my number one bestfriend and my dad is like erm.. secret bestfriend?

As I grew older, I understand things better. Become wiser and see things differently than I did when I was a teenage.

My Mum and Dad will always be the most influential people in my life. I strongly believe in parents blessing. No matter how awesome you become, you're nothing without their prayers and blessings.

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