Monday, February 14, 2011

When I thougt it'll be the worst, but it turn out to be one of the best

What I get myself... Its time to bring out the 'art' in me.

Comfort food. I've gone banana!

Classic dish.

Yours Truly...

I feel so blessed and thankful. :) Being 24 is great!

Ok. So I thought this year birthday suck. NAY! It was wonderful. I would like to thank all of my friends who wish on FB. It was really heartwarming reading a birthday wishes even in the simplest form, HB. I mean, that lazy to write happy birthday? Anyway, I still appreciated it, from the bottom of my heart. Thanks!

And ofcourse, my boy was the first to wish. Hihi. (What kind of bf if he didnt be the first person to wish, ey?) That morning, I start my day with hot chocolate and hi fiber jacob's biscuit. It really satisfy my stomach. Then, my mum called to wished me. That's the beauty of the family. Never have to remind them the birthday because they always remember. :)

Later, I did the house chores, bla, bla, bla and then off to having lunch by myself at secret recipe. Before that, I already bought something for myself. I was alone because my housemate was in Kuching during that time and my office mate, well, off to their hometown.

To be continued.......

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