Saturday, January 1, 2011

Twenty Eleven's Hopes



What? Its new year already? Yeay! Happy 2011!!

It means me and mr love had rockin' each other world for 3 years! And InsyaAllah, for many years more! HAPPY 3rd ANNIVERSARY, darl! What did he gave me this time? Not material things though. Only we've been dating through wc. LDR memang sux sometime. ;(

So, I've been thought about my new year resolution/plan/wishlist/mission.

  • Be more postive and optimistic. Less complaint. Less comparing.

  • Create more positive vibrant and energy around me. Embrace other speacialness.

  • Not to missed a 5 times prayer. Amin.

  • Working smarter and harder. Climb that corporate ladder, baby!

  • Owning a smart phone - I had HTC, BB and iphone in mind right now.

  • Fit in M size perfectly! Make sure L size is way bigger for me.

  • New watch - Nothing specific brand in mind right now.

  • Make sure saving 10% from whatever sources of my income in fix deposit monthly

  • Getaway to a perfect beach - Thinkin about Sabah / Thailand maybe?

  • Wang besar to give away during raya. Payback time to the family.

  • New camera! (Kalau ada rezeki lebih)

  • Be on the top of the world again!

  • Kahwin? Hmm....

Hope 2011 will bring us a lot more success, best in health, uncountable wealth, endless love, more joy and happiness and make us a better human and God's slave.

I love you people! Muachx! xoxo

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