Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Workaholic? Nah!

If car is this simple...


I went back home at 10.45pm today. I know its normal to stay back in the office until late night for some people. Well, this is my first time and it ain't that 'late' actually.

Learn a lot of new stuff today and oh boy, there's so many thing I have to juggle once at a time! I think I started to like my job already. I finally found it satisfied. But still, it is not my ultimate passion. My dream job would be to involve in marketing strategy and become a decission maker and travelling once in a while. I have faith that I'll get there one day, InsyaAllah. (yada yada yada, hey, everyone has a dream, right? ;P)

There so many thing I didn't know about car. All I know before is to start the engine and drive. And oh, refill the fuel. My knowledge in technical term is like 5%. I dont really know about the automotive business either. I wonder how my company hired me. Haha. Really need to sharpen my skills after this.

My super duper ultimate dream is to get married and have a family. What a plain dream, I know. But, lucky to all my friends who married earlier. I wonder when is my turn. Keep on praying, I guess.

In conclusion, I have a very productive day today. Feeling meaningful and satisfied. And TIRED for sure!

Ofcourse in life, there's a time I feel on the top - happy and contented and there's also a time I feel at the bottom - sad and dissapointed.

I am just glad today I feel on the top. Alhamdullilah.

Off to bed. xoxo. Nite everyone!

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