Tuesday, May 7, 2013

That awesome moment.....

Dear Self,

That awesome moment will come.

Remember when you were 6 years old? You change kindergarten from 'Tadika Abim' (an Islamic based syllabus when I was 5 yeras old) to 'Tadika Bistari' (English based syllabus)? You don't know how to read in English while all your classmate know how to read them. It was 'Ladybird' book series of 'Peter and Jane'. You English teacher, Ms Alice make you stand up in front of the class because you can't read. You feel ashamed and you hate teacher Alice with her long nails and pink nail polish.

What do you do? You ask your parents to buy Peter and Jane books and you learn how to read it by yourself. You would sit closely to a clever student and you repeat what she read. That moment, you knew what efforts means.

Remember when you're in standard 3? You always get top 10 in class when you were in standard 1 and 2 and suddenly you become top 20 in standard 3. You don't get the attention that you want in class because I am not the 'smart student' and I was a bit naughty and playful.

What do you do? You believe in yourself that you can pass the 'PTS' exam (examination to skip standard 4) just to prove to myself that I am not that stupid. You pray everyday and you be patient of everyday routine. And you pass the exam when you did not really expected it. That moment, you knew what determination means.

Remember when you were in standard 6? You were very bad in math because you could not understand the concept of multiplication and division. You always could not answer the prompt question of 'sifir' from your teacher. Your math teacher, Puan Chang throw your book because you did not do your homework and she even called your parents for counselling? Boy, my mum was mad that time.

Am I that bad? But I was really lazy that time and unorganized. My schoolbag full of 'sampah'. The expectation from the family to score in UPSR is high as I am the "smart student".

What do you do? You become hardworking to do all of your math homework. I did score A's for math but I didn't score straight 5 A's. I've got 1 B which is Science. That moment, you knew what frustration means.

Apa aku merepek cerita zaman sekolah rendah ni?

Sebabnya I was tense with work and personal stuff. And I knew I will get through this phase. I have to go through this phase because that will make way for that awesome moment to come.

And the outcome of this phase is based on what I work and did through it. Work hard to make it right.

Last but not least.... You're Awesome! Yes, the one who read this crap of mine!

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