Friday, February 15, 2013

Random Questions

Dah lama tak buat jawab random question macam ni. Dah takde siapa nak interview kita ni kan....., so kita interview jelah diri sendiri. Ok?

What is your favorite cereal?
Koko Crunch & Froot Loop

What kind/brand of deodorant do you use?
Spray type - Nivea. I prefer nivea than rexona.

What is your favorite mythical creature?
Fairies! Do I need to explain more? :P

How do you eat your eggs?
With hot nasi putih plus kicap. Sedap giler kot. Haha.

What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a day?
Wooing the girl! I just wanted to know how does it feel and I want to see the girl's reaction.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Googling about ancient/country/inventor history and read them and I'll be like "aww", "really", "wow" and forget about what I read after the next 10 minutes!

Do you face the showerhead or away from it while showering?
Face away. Only after the final part of showering, I will face the showerhead. Entah kenapa begitu. It's like a shower routine.

What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
Ermm.... Not sure. Hehe.

What is your favorite breed of cat?
All cats are cute. Alhough persian cat are adorable, but kucing kampung had it own charm.

How are your survival skills?
InshaAllah ok. I always precautious when I am alone - driving, at home, flying, swimming, etc. I always imagine what the worst could happen and plan the emergency exit/action in mind by looking things surround me.

Do you prefer chips or cakes?
Oooh, tough! Chips is something that I crave for but cakes always makes me happy!

Can you play any instruments?
Sadly no.

What is the most overrated exercise in your opinion?
Pilates? Or it is because I found it sexy but I dont have the chance to try it.

Do you prefer waffles or pancakes?
Waffles! I can enjot it anytime. Pancake is more to breakfast to me.

What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
Non fresh seafood like mussels, clamp, fish. Erghh!

Do you prefer breakfast or dinner?
Breakfast definately! I really enjoy the feeling of the first meal I eat after waking up with sunshine and eating with loved one. Heaven!


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