Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sugar Rush

Hello! Quick update.

1. Last weekend was super awesome. Got to to hang out with my favourite besties from school, attend one of my friend's wedding and watching movies with my buddies.

2. Had a good time with my mum and siblings too! We went for a little window shopping.

3. My monday at its best because my very first project here had been approved by the big boss. Phew~

4. I am kinda okay with the traffic nowadays. Traffic jammed is something I can handle. Haha.

5. Mood diet ke laut! Need to be on track again. Lately, my company keep on organizing makan-makan event, officially or non officially.

6. I met a nice girl as my insurance agent. I decided to switch my agent to her just because I feel connected from the first time we met. Aww...

7. I love my besties so much.

8. And ofcourse, I love my family the most!

Okay. See you later alligator!

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