Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life's Goal


I was down with heavy headache yesterday and was on leave from work. Today, I feel it is hard to wake up from my bed earlier this morning. The negative feeling poison my mind and I can't let it happen!

I had read somewhere in an article on how to stay supercharged. One of the item is to write everyday on your life goal twice a day - after you wake up and before you go to sleep. It is more than to-do list. It is a bigger picture of what you want in your life.

In summary, I have this 3 goals in my mind. Of what I want to make out from my life.

 1. To drive The Beetle
2. To be a management member board of MNC
3. To dedicate myself to my happy family

Yeah. That is it. No harm of dreaming. You make your dream come true. Ok. sambung buat kerja.

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