Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Coz I am awesome like that!

I need to learn how to chill and keep calm. It is because lately, I get angry easily over little things. Come ooonn! Chill lah woman! Why so rigid and serious? Gahh!

In time like this, I don't feel like talking to anyone. I just want to soak myself in a bathtub. Err, I don't have that in my house, so just my imagination bathtub. Boo-hoo! So, bila dah banyak duit, sila buat bathtub dekat bilik mandi ye.

Argghh! So much hatred. So much negativity.

I want to take a shower. Put on some lotion after that. Eat some fruits and plain water. And pamper myself with good novel and my favorite music on.

I love myself and I am just awesome. Have problem with that?

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