Sunday, October 9, 2011

October better be good!

Hello. Random updates.

1. Esok Isnin. I wish I am as ready as Spongebob to go to work tomorrow. But, I am not that enthusiast.

2. I haven't finish organizing my room like forever! Banyak sangat vision for my bedroom. Huhu. Note to self - Finish what you start.

3. My new position in workplace sebenarnya sangat tension. Ok. Thanks. Bye!

4. I think my mum is kinda my bestfriend for now. We did everything almost together. Creepy!

5. Low self confidence due to my body mass/shape/whatever. kthanxbai!

6. I miss him. You know who. For a reason I can't explain, sometime I fall in love over again and again.

7. I need to love graphic artwork. Again, I malas nak ambil tahu semua benda hi tech, but I have too. Why can't I just be an old school? Why? My job need it. NOT FAIR!!

8. Duduk rumah sebenarnya sangat best. Free breakfast, dinner & supper. Laundry done. Baju dah siap gososk. Upah lil sis and bro for anything to get it done. Rumah dekat tempat kerja. Semua best kecuali kerja. Kerja saya sangat challenging and tension. kthanxbai!

9. Please stay fresh and motivated.


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