Sunday, October 30, 2011

When will I see you again?

When will I see you again
You left with no goodbye
Not a single a word was said
No final kiss to seal anything
I had no idea in the state we were in

I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness and a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head.........


I feel the challenge of LDR recently.

Mum is trying hard to convinced me to get to know other people while I refused to do so. I understand her concern. But I am just not buy it.

Don't get me wrong. My mum like him. I think she's just worried about me. That's all.

I feel like crying. But my tears refuse to stream down. But I feel the pain in my chest. To bad for me, eh?

Like I said over and over again. I have faith in us. But obviously, I need help from Allah and all of people around me to send a prayer.

I don't feel the pressure to get married. It just I feel lonely inside. I miss his companion.

B, if you're reading this, I just want you to know that I truly love you. We will work this out, right?


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