Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Map to success

Seriously, I need to plan out my life. Its been awhile since I lost the courage to move on, and now, its time. (I know, sucha drama queen)

I hope everything will go well. Everything..

I miss my other half like *no words can describe it* Im outta tears. But I still strongly believe we'll be together in the end. Amin. InsyaAllah.

I know what I want now but it all scattered inside my head like incomplete jigsaw puzzle. Yet, I am too lazy to solve the puzzle by listing it in a piece of paper and figured out the complete picture.

Alhamdullilah, the feeling of desire and passion came back to me and it gave me purpose to plan my next step.

Sabar.. Its all I can do now.. Its all I can do...

P/s- I had my very first credit card of maybank now. Woot. Woot.

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