Friday, January 14, 2011

My Kesayangan!

Me with the subject ;P

I am the kind of person who have smaller group of friends. Hell, yeah, I love meeting and knowing new people, ofcourse, but I am closed with a few. And once I am close to that person, the person will forever stay in my heart and never been forgotten. I prefer hanging out with one on one rather than in a group. Still, I enjoy group activity once in awhile.

I have a few of BFF. All of them are my favourite. Each of them are unique and loveable. But today, I would like to tell a story of one of my few BFF that I met back in uni. Her name is Tengku NurulNadia.

She's just a bestfriend a girl should have! Really! We quarrel sometime and thats what makes our bonding much stronger. I kuat merajuk. She is too! Sebab tu mesti kadang2 gadoh salah faham. But I love her more because of that!

When I was in a bad time, she's the 3rd person I would call after the boyfie and the family. She always know the right words to comfort me and always be there for me emotionally. She's a great company too when it comes to leisure, spending money on unnecessary stuff, eating good food, etc, etc.

She is honest when giving her opinion to me. She never selfish. We always share our stories and dreams and even dilemmas we're facing. She's my sidekick. Rindu sangat driving Kelish back in Uni with her by my side.

I love you Nadia, I really do. Thank you for sticking with me through good and bad times. *BIG HUGS**BIG KISSES* Muachx!

1 comment:

nedi said...

naz.. ko jahat buat aku nangis bce blog ko. aku terharu.sgt3.. huk3

aku pon sayang ko taw!! sgt9! xde bff len mcm ko taw.
ingt lg time kite gadoh. lepas gadoh pastu mesti meluahkan rsa masing2 pastu nangis2..pastu hugging each other.
rindu nk hang out ngn ko time kelapangan. rindu nk tgk wayang same2. org len tgk wayang ngn bf tp kite tgk wayang berdua. haha.

naz.. aku sgt3 rindu kn ko. love u darl! muah3!