Friday, March 8, 2013

Rage di pagi hari

Good Morning!

Pagi-pagi dah rasa annoyed. Sabar je lah. Below is the list of things I easily annoyed.

1. Buang tisu dalam tandas. Like seriously babe?! Come on! I know you're hygiene because you wipe after you finish your 'business'. But throw it inside the toilet bowl? NOT COOL. Plus it is really annoying for the next person who use the toilet (which is me in this case). Use the dustbin provided lah.

2. Slow car in the right lane. Need I to explain it more?

3. Did not use signal when changing lane. I know you're a skilled driver and you're aware of car beside and behind you. But using signal is one of the way of being courtesy. Kita kan rakyat bersopan santun.

Ok. So far itu je. Pagi Jumaat ni tak elok nak rage bagai. Haha.

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a lot of people aware with flushable wet wipes invention. Haih. Sabar je lah.